TDT - Thermodynamic Design Tool
- Efficient tool for analysing, designing and dimensioning of thermodynamic processes.
- Process media based on NIST Refprop ( 100+ fluids and mixtures available)
- Air, water/steam, CO2, hydrogen, common alkanes and refrigerants
Graphical Interface
- Easy to use interactive graphical user interface
- Set up a complete process with just a few mouseclicks
- Predefined turbomachinery components:
- compressor/pump
- combustion chamber
- turbine
- condenser,
- heat exchanger
- Advanced features:
- Multiple processes interacting by heat exchangers
- Split up a process flow with splitter / mixer ( e.g. cooling flow)
Visualize the processes in five different standard diagrams:
- enthalpy / entropy (h/s)
- temperature / entropy (T/S)
- pressure / enthalpy (p/h)
- pressure / entropy (p/S)
- pressure / temperature (p/T)
Additional Features
Table with fluid properties
User defined gas mixtures
heat exchange interface plot
- Available as TDT-Basic, TDT-Pro