
2024   2023   2022   2021   2020   2019   2018   2017   2016   2015   2014   2013   2012   2011   2010   2009   2008   2007   2006   2005   2004   2003   2002   2001   2000   1999   1998   1997   1996   1995   1994   1993   1992   1991   1984   1983   1979   1977   1976   1975   1974   1973   1972   1971

1 Univ.-Prof. Dr.-Ing. Dieter Bohn, Director a.D., IDG + LVS (Institut für Dampf- und Gasturbinen, RWTH Aachen University)
2 KHI, Kawasaki Heavy Industries (Japan)
3 Prof. Dr.-Ing. Harald Funke, FH Aachen University of Applied Sciences
4 Univ.-Prof. Dr.-Ing. habil. Manfred Christian Wirsum, IKDG (Institut und Lehrstuhl für Kraftwerkstechnik, Dampf- und Gasturbinen)
5 Siemens Digital Industries Software


Rogero, J.M., Diaz Vides, J.A., Jimenez, I., Kröger, G., Woopen, M., Kusterer, K., Henders, A., Funke, H.3:
Soaring Towards Sustainability: Crafting a Hydrogen-Powered Turbojet Glider for Contrail Research
ISABE-2024-191, Toulouse, France, September 2024
Bohn, D.1, Götte, J., Kusterer, K., Liu, Y.:
Thermodynamic Potential of Aluminum Oxide Ceramic Matrix Composite Application in the 1st Stage Vanes of Industrial Gas Turbines
ASME-Paper GT2024-128648, London, United Kingdom, June 2024
Jung, F.6, Götte, J., Liu, Y., Markus, T.6, Gries, T.6:
Potential of Pressure Slip Casted All-Oxide CMC Elements for Use in Gas Turbine Systems
ASME-Paper GT2024-128503, London, United Kingdom, June 2024
Aoki, S.2, Uto, T.2, Takahashi, N.2, Okada, K.2, Kroniger, D.2, Kamiya, H.2, Yamaguchi, M.2, Ishimura, Y.2, Wirsum, M.4, Funke, H.3, Kusterer, K.:
Development of Hydrogen and Micromix Combustor for Small and Medium Size Gas Turbine of Kawasaki
ASME-Paper GT2024-121073, London, United Kingdom, June 2024
Bohn, D.1, Kusterer, K.:
Hydrogen Combustor Design for Small-Scale Aero Engines
Presentation on the Siemens Realize LIVE Conference, Munich, Germany, June 2024
Bohn, D.1, Kusterer, K.:
Der Weg der Entwicklung einer zuverlässigen Technologie zur Wasserstoffverbrennung in Gasturbinen
VGBE Energy Journal 2024, p. 49, June 2024


Tsuru, T.2, Kazari, M.2, Bohn, D.1, Henders, A., Kusterer, K. :
Numerical Investigation of Application of MicroMix Combustion Technology to Aero Engine Combustor
International Gas Turbine Congress (IGTC), Kyoto, Japan, November 2023
Okada, K.2, Kroniger, D.2, Kamiya, H.2, Horikawa, A.2, Yamaguchi, M.2, Ashikaga, M.2, Aoki, S.2, Ishimura, Y.2, Wirsum, M.4, Kusterer, K., Funke, H.3:
NOx Emissions Reduction and Fuel Flexibility Extension of a Dry Micromix Hydrogen Combustor
International Gas Turbine Congress (IGTC), Kyoto, Japan, November 2023
Munktell, E.5, Mouvand, S.5, Striegan, C.:
Using simulation to revolutionize hydrogen-powered aircraft design
Siemens Digital Industries Software Webinar, September 2023
--> Link
Bohn, D.1, Kusterer, K.:
The Development of Hydrogen Combustion Technology for Gas Turbines and Aero Engines Based on Advanced Simulation Efforts
Presentation on the Siemens Realize LIVE Conference, Munich, Germany, July 2023
Bohn, D.1, Kusterer, K.:
Der Weg der Entwicklung einer zuverlässigen Technologie zur Wasserstoffverbrennung in Gasturbinen
VGBE Gasturbinen 2023, Vortrag, Juni 2023


Bohn, D.1:
Der MicroMix-Brenner im Realbetrieb mit Wasserstoff
ASUE-Expertenkreis Gasturbinentechnik, Plattling, Germany, Oktober 2022
Bohn, D.1, Kusterer, K.:
The Development of High-Efficient Film Cooling for Gas Turbines by Application of the Conjugate Heat Transfer Technique
Keynote Lecture on 5th Chinese International Turbomachinery Conference & Exhibition, Kun Ming, China, Oktober 2022
Betcher, C., Hogenschurz, A.:
CFD Study on Droplet to Fluid-Film Interaction with STAR-CCM+ for Analysis of Water Film Suction Slots applied in Low-Pressure Steam Turbines
Siemens Realize LIVE Conference, Berlin, Germany, May 2022
Striegan, C., Mohs, J., Dickhoff, J., Kusterer, K.:
Kerosene-hydrogen fuel flexible combustion chambers for aero engine application: Reactive CFD-based feasibility study
Siemens Realize LIVE Conference, Berlin, Germany, May 2022


Bohn, D.1, Betcher, C., Weidtmann, K., Uno, T.2, Yoshida, T.2:
Assessment of Prediction Accuracy of Droplet-Film-Interaction - Numerical Simulation and Experimental Test Rig Validation of Water Film Suction Slots for Low Pressure Steam Turbine Guide Vanes
Proceedings of the International Conference on Power Engineering-2021, ICOPE-2021-0172, Kobe, Japan (Online), October 2021
Bohn, D.1, Uno, T.2, Yoshida, T.2, Betcher, C., Frohnheiser, J., Weidtmann, K.:
Numerical and experimental study of droplet-film-interaction for low pressure steam turbine erosion protection applications
Journal of the Global Power and Propulsion Society, 5, 90-103, August 2021
--> Full Article
Dickhoff, J., Horikawa, A.2, Funke H. H.-W.3:
Hydrogen Combustion - New DLE Combustor Addresses NOx Emissions and Flashback
Turbomachinery International, VOL. 62 no. 4, July/August 2021
--> Full Article
Mosedale, E.5, Dickhoff, J.:
Model the Complexity - B&B-AGEMA meets future energy needs with hydrogen-fuelled gas turbine technology
Siemens Engineer Innovation Magazine, Issue 7, 2021
--> Magazine Link
--> Full Article
Bohn, D.1, Betcher, C., Kusterer, K., Weidtmann, K.:
Numerical and Analytical Investigation of Heat Transfer Mechanisms and Flow Phenomena in an Intermediate Pressure Steam Turbine Blading During Startup
Journal of Engineering for Gas Turbines and Power, Vol. 143 no. 2, February 2021
--> Link


Bohn, D.1, Betcher, C., Frohnheiser, J., Weidtmann, K.*, Uno, T.2, Yoshida, T.2:
Numerical and Experimental Study of Droplet-Film-Interaction for Low Pressure Steam Turbine Erosion Protection Applications
Global Power and Propulsion Society, Technical Conference 2020, GPPS-CH-2020-0065, Chania, Greece, September 2020
Bohn, D.1, Betcher, C.*, Kusterer, K., Weidtmann, K.:
Numerical and Analytical Investigation of Heat Transfer Mechanisms and Flow Phenomena in an IP Steam Turbine Blading During Startup
ASME-Paper GT2020-15537, London, United Kingdom, June 2020
Schneider, M., Dickhoff, J., Kusterer, K., Visser, W.:
Life Cycle Analysis for a Powertrain in a Concept for Electric Power Generation in a Hybrid Electric Aircraft
ASME-Paper GT2020-15518, London, United Kingdom, June 2020
Dickhoff, J., Beckmann, N.:
Predicting performance and improving combustor design: how B&B-AGEMA uses simulation for digital testing
Siemens PLM Webinar, May 2020
--> Link.
Dickhoff, J., Kusterer, K., Horikawa, A.2, Bohn, D.1:
Development of an Air Cooled Borescope for Infrared Thermal Load Monitoring in Industrial Gas Turbine Combustors and Operational Experience
International Journal of Gas Turbine, Propulsion and Power Systems, April 2020, Volume 11, Number 2
--> Full Paper


Dickhoff, J., Schneider, M., Kusterer, K., Bohn, D., Horiuchi, T., Fukuda, M.:
Comparison between RANS and Large Eddy Simulations for Nekomimi and 777-Shaped Film Cooling Holes
IGTC 2019, Tokyo, Japan, November 2019
Striegan, C., Struth, B., Dickhoff, J., Kusterer, K., Funke H. H.-W., Bohn, D.:
Numerical Simulations of the Micromix DLN Hydrogen Combustion Technology with LES and Comparison to Results of RANS and Experimental Data
IGTC 2019, Tokyo, Japan, November 2019
Dickhoff, J., Horikawa, A., Kusterer, K., Bohn, D.:
Development of an Air Cooled Borescope for Infrared Thermal Load Monitoring in Industrial Gas Turbine Combustors and Operational Experience
IGTC 2019, Tokyo, Japan, November 2019
Horikawa, A., Okada, K., Uto, T., Uchiyama, Y., Wirsum, M., Funke, H. H.-W., Kusterer, K.:
Application of Low NOx Micro-Mix Hydrogen Combustion to 2MW Class Industrial Gas Turbine Combustor
IGTC 2019, Tokyo, Japan, November 2019
Kusterer, K., Sugimoto, T., Dickhoff, J.:
Gas Turbine Performance Simulation and Status Tracking Based on Digital Twin Concepts
Journal of Gas Turbine Society of Japan (GTSJ) (in Japanese), Vol.47 No.5, September 2019
Braining, E., Weidtmann, K., Braun, R., Hernandez Rincon, D. L., Bohn, D.:
Automated 2D airfoil optimization of intentionally choked blades
Global Power and Propulsion Society Conference 2019, GPPS-BJ-2019-0067, Beijing, China, September 2019
Schneider, M., Dickhoff, J., Kusterer, K., Visser, W., Stumpf, E., Hofmann, J.-P., Bohn, D.:
Development of a Gas Turbine Concept for Electric Power Generation in a Commercial Hybrid Electric Aircraft
ASME-Paper GT2019-92065, ASME Turbo Expo 2019, Phoenix, Arizona (USA), June 2019
Lautenschläger, A., Braun, R., Kusterer, K., Bohn, D.:
Exploration of Unsteady and Steady Calculation Methods for Wheel Space Sealing Applications
Global Power and Propulsion Society, Technical Conference 2019, GPPS-TC-2019-053, Zürich, Switzerland, January 2019


Braun, R.:
Design Exploration of High Efficient Steam Turbine Airfoils
Simcenter Conference – Americas, Detroit, USA, 15.-17. October 2018
Axelsson, L.-U., Singh, V., Visser, W., Braun, R.:
Innovative Fleet Condition Monitoring Concept for a 2MW Gas Turbine
IGTC 2018, Brussels, Oct. 2018
Braun, R.:
Increase of Automation and Optimization Degree in the Design Exploration of Axial Turbomachinery
International Symposium on Pump and Fan Technology, Shenyang, China, 26.-28. September 2018
Dickhoff, J., Kusterer, K., Bhaskar, S, Bohn, D.:
CFD Simulations for film cooling holes - Comparison between different isotropic and anisotropic eddy viscosity models
ASME-Paper GT2018-75543, ASME Turbo Expo 2018, Lillestrom, Norway, June 2018
Braining, E., Weidtmann, K., Bühler, P., Lautenschläger, A., Braun, R.:
Improvement of an automated design process and investigation of the optimization approach and the dependencies of the individual objectives
Global Power and Propulsion Society Conference 2018, GPPS-2018-0027, Montreal, Canada, May 2018
Kusterer, K., Braun, R., Roth, T., Lautenschläger, A., Bohn, D.:
Numerical heat transfer determination for rotating ribbed cooling passages in turbine blades
CITC201712231, Proceedings of Third Chinese International Turbomachinery Conference, Chong Qing, China, April 2018


Striegan, C., Haj Ayed, A., Kusterer, K., Funke, H. H.-W., Loechle, S., Kazari, M., Horikawa, A., Okada, K., Koga,K.:
Numerical Combustion and Heat Transfer Simulations and Validation for a Hydrogen Fueled "Micromix" Test Combustor in Indutrial Gas Turbine Applications
ASME-Paper GT2017-64719, ASME Turbo Expo 2017, Charlotte, North Carolina (USA), June 2017
Striegan, C.:
Development and Automated Design Space Exploration of a Novel DLN Hydrogen Combustion Technology for Gas Turbine Applications
Optimize This! 2017, International HEEDS Conference, Munich, Germany, June 2017
Haj Ayed, A., Kusterer K., Funke, H. H.-W., Keinz, J., Kazari, M., Kitajima, J., Horikawa, A., Okada, K.:
Experimental and Numerical Study on Optimizing the Dry Low NOx Micromix Hydrogen Combustion Principle for Industrial Gas Turbine Applications
Journal of Thermal Science and Engineering Applications, Vol. 9 No 2 / 021001, pp 1-10, June 2017
Bohn, D.:
Schadensanalysen an Industriegasturbinen
Tagungsband der ASUE-Arbeitskreissitzung des "Expertenkreises Gasturbinentechnik", Würzburg, 17. Mai 2017
Weidtmann, K., Bühler, P., Braining, E., Haj Ayed, A., Lin, G.:
High efficient steam turbine design based on automated design space exploration and optimization techniques
European Turbomachinery Conference 2017, ETC2017-243, Stockholm, Sweden, April 2017
Haj Ayed, A., Striegan. C., Kusterer, K., Funke, H. H.-W. , Kazari, M. , Horikawa, A. , Okada, K. :
Automated Design Space Exploration of the Hydrogen Fueled "Micromix" Combustor Technology
European HEEDS User Group Meeting 2017, Web-Presentation, March 2017
Haj Ayed, A., Braun, R., Striegan, C. J. D., Kusterer K., Funke, H. H.-W., Horikawa, A.:
Design Exploration of a DLN Hydrogen Combustor - Development and automated design exploration of a novel Dry Low NOx Hydrogen combustion technology for gas turbine applications
STAR Global Conference, Berlin, Germany, March 2017
Haj Ayed, A., Kusterer, K., Okada, K., Horikawa, A., Kazari, M., Kitajima, J., Funke, H. H.-W., Keinz, J.:
Development and Testing of a Low NOx Micromix Combustion Chamber for Industrial Gas Turbines
International Journal of Gas Turbine, Propulsion and Power Systems, Volume 9, Number 1L, February 2017
Sugimoto, T.:
Frozen-CHT Analysis of the Transient Thermal Behavior and Life Prediction of 700° Steam Part
Tenpes Journal, February 2017
Haj Ayed, A., Kusterer K., Funke, H. H.-W., Keinz, J., Bohn, D.:
CFD based exploration of the dry-low-NOx hydrogen micromix combustion technology at increased energy densities
Propulsion and Power Research, Volume 6, Issue 1, Pages 15-24, January 2017
Haj Ayed, A., Striegan, C. J. D., Kusterer, K., Funke, H. H.-W., Kazari, M., Horikawa, A., Okada, K.:
Automated Design Space Exploration of the Hydrogen Fueled "Micromix" Combustor Technology
Proceedings of the 1st Global Power and Propulsion Forum, GPPF 2017, Zürich, Switzerland, January 2017


Haj Ayed, A.:
Development and Automated Design Exploration of a Novel Dry Low NOx Hydrogen Combustion Technology for Gas Turbine Applications
Optimize This! 2016, International HEEDS Conference, Dearborn (MI), October 2016
Haj Ayed, A.:
Design Exploration with CFD for Better Dry Low NOx Hydrogen GT Combustors
CD-adapco Webinar, June 2016
Kusterer, K.:
Advanced Design Capabilities for Innovative Cooling Systems of Highest-efficient Industrial Gas Turbines
Star Korean Conference, Seoul, June 2016
Lin, G., Kusterer, K., Tanaka, R., Bohn, D.:
Innovative Turbine Cooling and low NOx Combustion Designs for Industrial Gas Turbines
The STAR Chinese Conference 2016, Hangzhou, China, June 2016
Lin, G., Kusterer, K., Visser, W., Bohn, D.:
Invited to speak at the 5th Annual NexTurbine Conference, Shanghai, China, June 2016
Kusterer, K., Bühler, P., Lin, G., Sugimoto, T., Bohn, D., Tanaka, R., Kazari, R.:
Conjugate Heat Transfer Analysis of a Blade Leading Edge Cooling Configuration Using Double Swirl Chambers
ASME-paper GT2016-56937, ASME Turbo Expo 2016, Seoul, South Korea, June 2016
Kusterer, K., Dickhoff, J., Campana, N.T., Sugimoto, T., Tanaka, R., Kazari, M., Bohn, D.:
Automated Design Space Exploration of Advancded-Shaped Film Cooling Holes using the Sherpa Algorithm
ASME-paper GT2016-56194, ASME Turbo Expo 2016, Seoul, South Korea, June 2016
Kusterer, K., Dickhoff, J., Braun, R., Ryozo, T., Taniguchi, T., Bohn, D.:
Conjugate Heat Transfer Simulations for a Film Cooled Nozzle Guide Vane of a High-efficiency, Industrial Gas Turbine
ISROMAC 2016, ISROMAC2016-83, Hawaii, Honolulu, April 2016


Kusterer, K., Tanaka, R., Bohn, D.:
Innovative Cooling and Combustion Systems for Industrial Gas Turbines of Highest Efficiency
VGB Power Tech 12, 2015, pp 33-38
Horikawa, A., Okada, K., Kazari, M., Funke, H. H.-W., Keinz, J., Kusterer, K., Haj Ayed, A.:
Application of Low NOx Micro-Mix Hydrogen Combustion to Industrial Gas Turbine Combustor and Conceptual Design
IGTC 2015, Tokyo, Nov. 2015
Funke, H. H.-W., Keinz, J., Kusterer, K., Haj Ayed, A., Kazari, M., Kitajima, J., Horikawa, A., Okada, K.:
Development and Testing of a Low NOx Micromix Combustion Chamber for Industrial Gas Turbines
IGTC 2015, Tokyo, Nov. 2015
Kusterer, K., Dickhoff, J., Sugimoto, T., Custer, C., Dewan, Y., Tanaka, R., Kazari, M., Bohn, D., Schroeder, W.:
Multi-Objective Pareto Optimization of the NEKOMIMI Film Cooling Technology by Utilization of the SHERPA Algorithm
IGTC 2015, Tokyo, Nov. 2015
Lin, G., Kusterer, K., Haj Ayed, A., Bohn, D., Sugimoto, T., Tanaka, R., Kazari, M.:
Numerical Investigation on Heat Transfer in an advanced new Leading Edge Impingement Cooling Configuration
Journal of Propulsion and Power Research (Elsevier), 2015
Haj Ayed, A., Kusterer, K., Funke, H.H.-W., Keinz, J., Striegan, C., Bohn, D.:
Improvement study for the dry-low-NOx hydrogen micromix combustion technology
Propulsion and Power Research, Volume 4, Issue 3, Pages 132-140, September 2015
Haj Ayed, A., Kusterer, K., Funke, H.H.-W., Keinz, J., Striegan, C., Bohn, D.:
Experimental and numerical investigations of the dry-low-NOx hydrogen micromix combustion chamber of an industrial gas turbine
Propulsion and Power Research, Volume 4, Issue 3, Pages 123-131, September 2015
Kusterer, K., Lin, G., Sugimoto, T., Bohn, D., Tanaka, R., Kazari, R.,:
Novel Gas Turbine Blade Leading Edge Cooling Configuration Using Advanced Double Swirl Chambers
ASME-paper GT2015-42400, Proceedings of the ASME Turbo Expo 2015, Montreal, Canada, June 2015
Kusterer, K., Haj Ayed, A., Funke, H. H.-W., Keinz, J., Kazari, M., Kitajima, J., Horikawa, A., Okada, K.:
Experimental and Numerical Study on Optimizing the DLN Micromix Hydrogen Combustion Principle for Industrial Gas Turbine Appliactions
ASME-paper GT2015-42043, Proceedings of the ASME Turbo Expo 2015, Montreal, Canada, June 2015
Lin, G., Kusterer, K., Tanaka, R., Bohn, D.:
Research and Development on Innovative Cooling and Combustion Designs for Industrial Gas Turbines
The 4th Annual NexTurbine Conference, 21st-22nd May 2015, Shanghai, China
Haj Ayed, A., Kusterer, K., Tanaka, R.:
Development of Advanced Film Cooling Technologies for Industrial Gas Turbine Applications with STAR-CCM+
STAR Global Conference, San Diego, USA, March 2015
Haj Ayed, A., Funke, H.H.-W., Horikawa, A.:
Development of the DLN Micro-mix Hydrogen Combustion Technology with STAR-CCM+
STAR Global Conference, San Diego, USA, March 2015


Funke, H. H.-W., Dickhoff, J., Keinz, J., Haj Ayed, A., Parente, A., Hendrick, P.:
Experimental and Numerical Study of the Micromix Combustion Principle Applied for Hydrogen and Hydrogen-Rich Syngas as Fuel with Increased Energy Density for Industrial Gas Turbine Applications
ICAE2014-863, Proceedings of the International Conference on Applied Energy, May 30 - June 2, 2014, Taipei, Taiwan
Haj Ayed, A, Kemper, M, Kusterer, K, Tadesse, H., Wirsum, M., v. Nordheim, D., Tebbenhoff, O., Czychon, K.H., Metzger, K., Bohn, D.:
Numerical and Experimental Investigations of the Transient Thermal Behavior of a Steam Bypass Valve at Steam Temperatures Beyond 700 °C
ASME Journal of Thermal Science and Engineering Applications, Volume 5B, 2014
Lin, G., Kusterer, K., Haj Ayed, A., Bohn, D., Sugimoto, T.:
Conjugate Heat Transfer Analysis of Convection-cooled Turbine Vanes Using γ-Reθ Transition Model
International Journal of Gas Turbine, Propulsion and Power Systems, Volume 6, Number 3, 2014
Lin, G, Kusterer, K., Bohn, D., Sugimoto, T., Tanaka, R., Kazari, M.:
Numerical Analysis of Heat Transfer in a new Leading Edge Impingement Cooling Configuration
2014-ISJPPE-3006, The 5th International Symposium on Jet Propulsion and Power Engineering, Beijing, China, September 2014
Haj Ayed, A., Kusterer, K., Funke, H. H.-W., Keinz, J., Striegan, C., Bohn,D.:
Experimental and Numerical Investigations of the DLN Hydrogen Micromix Combustion Chamber of an Industrial Gas Turbine
2014-ISJPPE-4011, The 5th International Symposium on Jet Propulsion and Power Engineering, Beijing, China, September 2014
Lin, G, Kusterer, K., Bohn, D., Sugimoto, T., Tanaka, R, Kazari, M.:
Impingement Cooling with Spent Flow in the Blade Leading Edge Using Double Swirl Chambers
The 15th International Heat Transfer Conference, Kyoto, Japan, August 2014
Haj Ayed, A., Kusterer, K., Funke, H. H.-W., Keinz, J., Kazari, M., Kitajima, J., Horikawa, A., Okada, K., Bohn, D.:
Numerical Study on increased Energy Density for the DLN Micromix Hydrogen Combustion Principle
ASME-paper GT2014-25848, Proceedings of the ASME Turbo Expo 2014, Düsseldorf, Germany, June 2014
Kusterer, K, Braun, R, Bohn, D.:
Organic Rankine Cycle Working Fluid Selection and Performance Analysis for Combined Application with a 2 MW Class Industrial Gas Turbine
ASME-paper GT2014-25439, Proceedings of the ASME Turbo Expo 2014, Düsseldorf, Germany, June 2014
Kusterer, K., Lin, G., Bohn, D., Sugimoto, T. , Tanaka, R., Kazari M.:
Leading Edge Cooling of a Gas Turbine Blade With Double Swirl Chambers
ASME-paper GT2014-25851, Proceedings of the ASME Turbo Expo 2014, Düsseldorf, Germany, June 2014
Lin, G., Kusterer, K., Merkel, V., Bohn, D.:
Heat Transfer Enhancement Using Wedge-Shaped Detached Ribs With Grooves in Internal Cooling Channel
ASME-paper GT2014-25863, Proceedings of the ASME Turbo Expo 2014, Düsseldorf, Germany, June 2014
Kusterer, K., Tekin, N., Wüllner, T., Tanaka, R., Sugimoto, T., Kazari, M., Bohn, D.:
Nekomimi film cooling hole configurations under conjugate heat transfer condition
ASME-paper GT2014-25845, Proceedings of the ASME Turbo Expo 2014, Düsseldorf, Germany, June 2014
Kusterer, K, Tanaka, R.:
Engineering Success by Application of Star-CCM+ for Modern Gas Turbine Design
STAR Global Conference, Vienna, Austria, March 2014


Moritz, N., Kusterer, K., Braun, R., Haj Ayed, A.:
Engineering Success by Application of STAR-CCM+ for Modern Gas Turbine Design
STAR Japanese Conference, Yokohama, Japan, December 2013
Moritz, N., Kusterer,K., Braun, R., Haj Ayed, A.:
Engineering Success by Application of STAR-CCM+ for Modern Gas Turbine Design
STAR Korean Conference, Seoul, Korea, December 2013
Tamai, R., Tanaka, R., Sato, Y., Kusterer, K.:
Vibration Design of an Interlocked Turbine Blades Row using 3-dimensional Friction Contact Dynamic Analysis
Proceedings of the Gas Turbine Society of Japan 2013 Conference, Okinawa, Japan, October 2013
Lin, G., Kusterer, K. , Bohn, D. , Sugimoto, T. , Tanaka, R. , Kazari M.:
Heat Transfer and Pressure Loss Characteristics of Double Swirl Chambers Cooling with different Inlet and Outlet Configurations
Proceedings of the International Conference on Power Engineering-13, Wuhan, China, October 2013.
Lin, G.,, Kusterer, K., Bohn, D., Sugimoto, T., Tanaka, R., Kazari M.:
Investigation on Heat Transfer Enhancement and Pressure Loss of Double Swirl Chambers Cooling
Journal of Propulsion and Power Research (Elsevier)
Braun, R., Kusterer, K., Sugimoto, T., Tanimura, K., Bohn, D.:
Thermodynamic and Design Considerations of Organic Rankine Cycles in Combined Application with a Solar Thermal Gas Turbine
6th International Conference on Pumps and Fans with Compressors and Wind Turbines, Beijing, China, September 2013
Lin, G., Kusterer, K., Bohn, D., Sugimoto, T., Tanaka, R., Kazari M.:
Investigation on Heat Transfer Enhancement of Double Swirl Chambers Cooling
Eurotherm Seminar on Convective Heat Transfer Enhancement, Brussels, Belgium, September 2013.
Tamai, R., Tanaka, R., Sato, Y., Kusterer, K., Lin, G., Kemper, M., Panning-Von Scheidt, L.:
Vibration Analysis of Shrouded Turbine Blades for a 30 MW Gas Turbine
ASME 2013 Turbine Blade Tip Technical Symposium, Hamburg, Germany, October 2013.
Kusterer, K., Lin, G., Kazari M., Sugimoto, T., Tanaka, R., Bohn, D.:
Heat Transfer Enhancement for Gas Turbine Internal Cooling by Application of Double Swirl Cooling Chambers
ASME-paper GT2013-94774, Proceedings of the ASME Turbo Expo 2013, San Antonio, Texas, USA, June 2013
Kusterer, K., Tekin, N., Reiners, F., Sugimoto, T., Tanaka, R., Kazari, M., Bohn, D.:
Highest-Efficient Film Cooling by Improved Nekomimi film Cooling Holes - Part 1: Ambient Air Flow Conditions
ASME-paper GT2013-95027, Proceedings of the ASME Turbo Expo 2013, San Antonio, Texas, USA, June 2013
Kusterer, K., Tekin, N., Kasiri, A., Sugimoto, T., Tanaka, R., Kazari, M., Bohn, D.:
Highest-Efficient Film Cooling by Improved Nekomimi film Cooling Holes - Part 2: Hot Gas Flow Conditions
ASME-paper GT2013-95042, Proceedings of the ASME Turbo Expo 2013, San Antonio, Texas, USA, June 2013
Haj Ayed, A., Kemper, M., Kusterer, K., Tadesse, H., Wirsum, M., von Nordheim, D., Tebbenhoff, O., Czychon, K., Metzger, K., Bohn, D.:
Numerical and Experimental Investigations of the Transient Thermal Behavior of a Steam Bypass Valve at Steam Temperatures Beyond 700 °C
ASME-paper GT2013-95289, Proceedings of the ASME Turbo Expo 2013, San Antonio, Texas, USA., June 2013
Funke, H. H.-W., Boerner, S., Keinz, J., Haj Ayed, A., Kusterer, K., Tekin, N., Horikawa, A., Kazari, M., Kitajima, J., Okada, K.:
Experimental and Numerical Characterization of the Dry Low Nox Micromix Hydrogen Combustion Principle at Increased Energy Density for Industrial Hydrogen Gas Turbine Applications
ASME-paper GT2013-94771, Proceedings of the ASME Turbo Expo 2013, San Antonio, Texas, USA, June 2013
Kusterer, K., Braun, R., Moritz, N., Sugimoto, T., Tanimura, K., Bohn, D.:
Comparative Study of solar Thermal Brayton Cycles Operated with Helium or Argon
ASME-paper GT2013-94990, Proceedings of the ASME Turbo Expo 2013, San Antonio, Texas, USA, June 2013
Kusterer, K., Braun, R., Köllen, L., Sugimoto, T., Tanimura, K., Bohn, D.:
Combined Solar Thermal Gas Turbine and Organic Rankine Cycle Application for Improved Cycle Efficiencies
ASME-paper GT2013-94713, Proceedings of the ASME Turbo Expo 2013, San Antonio, Texas, USA, June 2013
Braun, R., , Kusterer, K.:
Conjugate Heat Transfer Analysis of a High Loaded Convection Cooled Turbine Vane with STAR-CCM+
Star Global Conference 2013, Orlando, USA, March 2013
Norbert Moritz, Karsten Kusterer, Dieter Bohn, Takao Sugimoto, Ryozo Tanaka, Tomoki Taniguchi:
Conjugate calculation of a film-cooled blade for improvement of the leading edge cooling configuration
Journal of Propulsion and Power Research, Volume 2, Issue 1, pages 1-9, March 2013

Publications from Univ.- Prof. Dr.-Ing. D. Bohn, former Director of the IDG (Institut für Dampf- und Gasturbinen, RWTH Aachen)

Bohn, D., Laschet, G., Krewinkel, R., Hul, P.:
Conjugate analysis and effective thermal conductivities of effusion-cooled multi-layer blade sections
International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 57 (2013) 812-821


Contribution of B&B-AGEMA acknowledged by, Tanaka, R., Koji, T., Ryu, M., Matsuoka, A., Okuto, A.:
Development Of High Efficient 30MW Class Gas Turbine - The Kawasaki L30A
ASME-paper GT2012-68668 , Proceedings of ASME Turbo Expo 2012, Copenhagen, Denmark, June 2012
Kusterer, K., Tekin, N., Bohn, D., Sugimoto, T., Tanaka, R., Kazari, M.:
3. Generation of Anti-Vortex Flow Structure for Advanced Film Cooling of Gas Turbines
Proceedings of 14th Korea Rotating Machinery Symposium, SP-15, Seoul, Korea, November 2012
Kusterer, K., Tekin, N., Bohn, D., Sugimoto, T., Tanaka, R., Kazari, M.:
Numerical Comparison of the Cooling Performance of a Shaped Hole Configuration and a Nekomimi Configuration
Proceedings of 4th International Symposium on Jet Propulsion and Power Engineering, 2012-ISJPPE-B0161, Xi'an, China, September 2012
Kusterer, K., Lin, G., Moritz, N., Bohn, D.:
20 Years of Experiences for the Conjugate Heat Transfer Analysis of Convection-cooled Turbine Vanes
Proceedings of 4th International Symposium on Jet Propulsion and Power Engineering, 2012-ISJPPE-B0076, Xi'an, China, September 2012
Haj Ayed, A., Herinx, T., Kusterer, K., Strangfeld, H.:
Evaluation of Natural Draft Wet Cooling Tower Performance Based on Numerical Aero-thermodynamic Analyses
6th International Symposium on Cooling Towers, Cologne, Germany, June 2012
Kusterer, K., Tekin, N., Bohn, D., Sugimoto, T., Tanaka, R., Kazari, M.:
Experimental and Numerical Investigations of the NEKOMIMI Film Cooling Technology
ASME-paper GT2012-68400, Proceedings of ASME Turbo Expo 2012, Copenhagen, Denmark, June 2012
Kusterer, K., Braun, R., Moritz, N., Lin, G., Bohn, D.:
Helium Brayton cycles with solar central receivers: thermodynamic and design considerations
ASME-paper GT2012-68407, Proceedings of the ASME Turbo Expo 2012, Copenhagen, Denmark, June 2012
Visser, W. P. J., Shakariyants, S., de Later, M.T.L., Haj Ayed, A., Kusterer, K.:
Performance Optimization of a 3kW Microturbine for CHP Applications
ASME-paper GT2012-68686, Proceedings of ASME Turbo Expo 2012, Copenhagen, Denmark, June 2012
Kusterer, K., Kroniger, D., Funke, H.H.-W., Boerner, S., Keinz, J., Kitajima, J., Kazari, M., Horikawa, A.:
Numerical and Experimental Characterization of Low NOx Micromix Combustion Principle for Industrial Hydrogen Gas Turbine Applications
ASME-paper GT2012-69421, Proceedings of ASME Turbo Expo 2012, Copenhagen, Denmark, June 2012
Taniguchi, T., Tanaka, R., Shinoda, Y., Ryu, M., Moritz, N., Kusterer, K.:
Application of an Optical Pyrometer to Newly Developed Industrial Gas Turbine
ASME-paper GT2012-68679, Proceedings of ASME Turbo Expo 2012, Copenhagen, Denmark, June 2012
Haj Ayed, A., Kusterer, K., Kemper, M.:
Conjugate Heat Transfer Simulations of a Bypass Valve for the Next Generation of Highest-efficient Power Plants
STAR GLOBAL CONFERENCE 2012, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, March 2012


Moritz, N., Kusterer, K., Sugimoto, T., Tanaka, R., Taniguchi, T., Bohn, D.:
Conjugate Calculation of a Film Cooled Blade for Improvement of the Leading Edge Cooling Configuration
Proceedings of the International Gas Turbine Conference, IGTC-2011-086, Osaka, Japan, November 2011
Kusterer, K., Moritz, N., Tekin, N., Sugimoto, T., Tanaka, R., Kazari, M., Bohn, D.:
Numerical Investigation of the NEKOMIMI Hole Configuration under Hot Gas Conditions
Proceedings of the International Gas Turbine Conference, IGTC-2011-085, Osaka, Japan, November 2011
Kusterer, K., Elyas, A., Sugimoto, T., Tanaka, R., Kazari, M., Bohn, D.:
The NEKOMIMI Cooling Technology: Cooling Holes with Ears for High-efficient Film Cooling
ASME-paper GT2011-45524, Proceedings of the ASME Turbo Expo 2011, Vancouver, Canada, June 2011
Haj Ayed, A., Kusterer, K.:
Higher Gas Turbine Operation Flexibility by Improved Diffuser Vanes of a Radial Compressor
STAR European Conference, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, March 2011
Moritz, N., Kusterer, K., Mendonca, F., Shalina, A.:
Axial Compressor Design with AixCompFlow2D and STAR-CCM+
STAR European Conference, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, March 2011

Publications from Univ.- Prof. Dr.-Ing. D. Bohn, former Director of the IDG (Institut für Dampf- und Gasturbinen, RWTH Aachen)

D. Bohn, S. Schwab, M. Sell:
Analysis and Evaluation of the Impact of different Blade Loadings on a 2-Stage Turbine with Shrouded Blades,
ASME Turbo Expo 2011, GT2011-46209, Vancouver, Canada, June 2011
D. Bohn, J. Willie:
Measurement Based Atomization Model For Diesel Spray Evaporation and Combustion in a Matrix Burner
ASME Turbo Expo 2011, GT2011-45885 Vancouver, Canada, June 2011


Kusterer, K., Moritz, N., Bohn, D., Sugimoto, T., Tanaka, R.:
Transient Numerical Investigation of Rotor Clocking in 1.5 Stage of an Axial Test Turbine with a Blade-To-Vane Ratio of 1.5
ASME-paper GT2010-22902, Proceedings of the ASME Turbo Expo 2010, Glasgow, United Kingdom, June 2010
Kusterer, K., Elyas, A., Bohn, D., Sugimoto, T., Tanaka, R., Kazari M.:
Film Cooling Effectiveness Comparison Between Shaped- and Double Jet Film Cooling Holes in a Row Arrangement
ASME-paper GT2010-22604, Proceedings of the ASME Turbo Expo 2010, Glasgow, United Kingdom, June 2010
Kusterer, K., Haj Ayed, A., Ghorbani, R., Kouhanjani, S. A.:
Fracture Analysis of a First Stage Turbine Blade
ASME-paper GT2010-22802, Proceedings of the ASME Turbo Expo 2010, Glasgow, United Kingdom, June 2010
Kusterer, K., Elyas, A., Bohn, D., Sugimoto, T., Tanaka, R., Kazari, M.:
Experimental and Numerical Investigations of the Double-Jet Film Cooling Technology
Journal of Energy and Power Engineering, Vol. 4, No. 9, pp 16-25, September 2010
Kusterer, K.:
Wege zu höchsteffizienter Schaufelkühlung zukünftiger Hochtemperatur-gasturbinen
Abschlusskolloquium des SFB 561 an der RWTH Aachen University, Aachen, Germany, May 2010
Publications from Univ.- Prof. Dr.-Ing. D. Bohn, former Director of the IDG (Institut für Dampf- und Gasturbinen, RWTH Aachen)
Laschet, G., Rex, S., Bohn, D., Krewinkel, R.:
3-D Conjugate Analysis of a Film- and Effusion-Cooled Blade Slice and Homogenization of its Thermal Properties
10th AIAA/ASME Joint Thermophysics and Heat Transfer Conference, Chicago, Illinois, U.S.A., June 2010
Bohn, D., Krewinkel, R., Wendland, D.:
Conjugate Investigation of Effusion-Cooled Concave and Convex Plates
10th AIAA/ASME Joint Thermophysics and Heat Transfer Conference, Chicago, Illinois, U.S.A., June 2010
Bohn, D., Krewinkel, R., V. Nolte:
Modelling and Control of the Rankine Cycle of a Small Solar Thermal Power Plant
ECOS-2010, Paper No. 633, Lausanne, Switzerland, June 2010,
Bohn, D., Ohlendorf, N., F. Weidner, Willie, J.:
Active Control of Combustion Instabilities in a Matrix Burner Using Primary and Pilot Fuel and Acoustic Forcing
ASME Turbo Expo, GT2010-23751, Glasgow, United Kingdom, June 2010
Bohn, D., Krewinkel, R., Wolff, A.:
Numerical Analysis of Heat Transfer and Flow Stability in an Open Rotating Cavity Using the Maximum Entropy Production Principle
ASME Turbo Expo, GT2010-22025, Glasgow, United Kingdom, June 2010.
Bohn, D., Ohlendorf, N., Willie, J.:
Effects of Non-Linearity on the Flame Response and Control of Combustion Instabilities in a Matrix Burner
Summer School and Workshop on Non-Normal and Nonlinear Effects in Aero- and Thermoacoustics, Munich, May 2010
Bohn, D., Wendland, D.:
Conjugate Calculation of Steam-Cooled Intermediate Pressure Turbine With a Live Steam Temperature of 720°C
ISROMAC-13, ISROMAC13-2010-028, Honululu, Hawaii, USA, April 2010
Bohn, D., Krewinkel, R., Wendland, D.:
Numerical Investigation of the Cooling Film Development on a Film- and Effusion-Cooled Blade
ISROMAC-13, ISROMAC13-2010-006, Honululu, Hawaii, USA, April 2010,
Bohn, D., Willie, J.:
Structure and Acoustic Analysis of a Gas Turbine Matrix Burner
ISROMAC-13, ISROMAC13-2010-005, Honululu, Hawaii, USA, April 2010
Bohn, D., Krewinkel, R., Chr. Rakut, Laschet, G., Rex, S.:
An Integrated Approach to the Calculation of Grid-Sheets for Steam Turbine Cooling
ISROMAC-13, ISROMAC13-2010-004, Honululu, Hawaii, USA, April 2010
Bohn, D., Schwab, S., Sell, M.:
Development of a LDA Endoscope for Determination of the Velocity Within Shrouded Rotor Blades
ISROMAC-13, ISROMAC13-2010-003, Honululu, Hawaii, USA, April 2010


Kusterer, K., Elyas, A., Bohn, D., Sugimoto, T., Tanaka, R., Kazari, M.:
Experimental and Numerical Investigations of the Double-Jet Film-Cooling Technology
Int. Conf. on Power Engineering (ICOPE 09), paper-No. G014, Kobe, Japan, November 2009
Kusterer, K., Elyas, A., Bohn, D., Sugimoto, T., Tanaka, R., Kazari, M.:
A Parametric Study on the Influence of the Lateral Ejection Angle of Double-Jet Holes on the Film Cooling Effectiveness for High Blowing Ratios
ASME-paper GT-2009-59321, Proceedings of the ASME Turbo Expo 2009, Orlando, USA, June 2009

Publications from Univ.- Prof. Dr.-Ing. D. Bohn, former Director of the IDG (Institut für Dampf- und Gasturbinen, RWTH Aachen)

Bohn, D., Ren, J.:
How Far Have We Been? - Summary of Investigations on Rotating Cavity at IDG, RWTH Aachen University Frontiers of Power and Energy
Engineering in China, Vol. 3, No. 4, 2009, pp. 489-497 (Revised Version of 2008-ISJPPE-2007)
Bohn, D., Krewinkel, R.:
Numerical Investigation of the Effectiveness of Effusion Cooling for Plane Multi-Layer Systems With Different Base-Materials
Frontiers of Power and Energy Engineering in China, Vol. 3, No. 4, 2009, pp. 406-413 (Revised Version of 2008-ISJPPE-2009)
Bohn, D., Willie, J.F., Ohlendorf, N.:
Influence of Active Control on Exhaust Gas Emissions in a Gas Turbine Matrix Burner
VDI-Berichte 2056, pp. 547-552: 24. Deutscher Flammentag - Verbrennung und Feuerung, 2009
Abel D., Bohn, D., Diehl, M., Hirsch T., Hoffschmidt, B., Pitz-Paal, R.:
The Virtual Institute for Central Receiver Power Plants - vICERP
SolarPaces Conference, Berlin, Germany, September 2009
Bohn, D., Krewinkel, R., Tian, S.:
Cooling Performance of Grid-Sheets for Highly-Loaded Ultra-Supercritical Steam Turbines
Frontiers of Power and Energy Engineering in China, Vol.3, pp. 313-320, November 2009 (Revised Version of 2008-ISJPPE-2002)
Bohn, D.:
Challenging Steps Into a CO2-Reduced Power Generation With Advanced Steam and Gas Turbine Technologies
International Symposium on Low-Carbon Technology (ISLCT), Paper IL-03, Beijing, China, September 2009
Bohn, D., Krewinkel, R.:
Conjugate Calculation of Large Arrays of Cooling Holes Part II: Effusion-Cooled Multi-Layer Plates with Variable Streamwise Distance XIX
ISABE, ISABE2009-1330, Montreal, Canada, September 2009
Bohn, D., Krewinkel, R.:
Conjugate Calculation of Large Arrays of Cooling Holes Part I: Effusion-Cooled Multi-Layer Plates with Different Substrate Materials
XIX ISABE, ISABE2009-1329E, Montreal, Canada, September 2009
Bohn, D., Ohlendorf, N., Willie, J.F.:
Experimental and Numerical Studies of Diesel Spray Evaporation and Combustion in a Gas Turbine Matrix Burner
ASME Turbo Expo, GT2009-59348, Orlando, Florida, USA, June 2009
Bohn, D., Ohlendorf, N., Willie, J.F.:
Phase Shift Control of Combustion Instability in a Gas Turbine Matrix Burner Using Acoustic Forcing and Pulsed Fuel Injection
ASME Turbo Expo, GT2009-59083, Orlando, Florida, USA, June 2009,
Bohn, D., Krewinkel, R.:
Conjugate Calculation of Effusion Cooling With Realistic Cooling Hole Geometries
ASME Turbo Expo, GT2009-59082, Orlando, Florida, USA, June 2009
Bohn, D., Krewinkel, R.:
Conjugate Simulation of the Effects of Oxide Formation in Effusion Cooling Holes on Cooling Effectiveness
ASME Turbo Expo, GT2009-59081, Orlando, Florida, USA, June 2009
Bohn, D.:
Designing a Power Plant With Highest Efficiency: Results From SFB 561 J.
Aerospace Power, Vol. 24, No. 4, 2009, pp. 717-728 (Revised Version of 2008-ISJPPE-0003)
Bohn, D., Cunat, D., Johnson, B., Jakoby, R.:
A Method for Estimating the Influence of Time-Dependent Vane and Blade Pressure Fields on Turbine Rim Seal Ingestion
Journal of Turbomachinery, April 2009, Vol. 131, pp. 021005-1 - 021005-7(Revised Version of ASME GT2006-90853)
Bohn, D., Rakut, C.:
Experimental Investigation of Open-Porous Metallic Foams for Water-Extraction in Low-Pressure Steam Turbines
8th European Turbomachinery Conference, Paper A234, Graz, Austria, March 2009
Bohn, D., Krewinkel, R., Moritz, N.:
Numerical Investigation of Large Arrays of Cooling Holes With Different Flow Angles for Effusion-Cooled Multi-Layer Plates
8th European Turbomachinery Conference, Paper A175, Graz, Austria, March 2009


Kusterer, K., Haj Ayed, A.:
Vergleichende 3D Strömungsanalysen zur Bewertung von Dampfkondensatoren
Balcke-Dürr User Conference, Paris, France, November 2008
Kusterer, K., Bohn, D.:
Modern CFD Application on Aerothermal Engineering Aspects of Natural Draft Cooling Towers
Thermel Enginnering in Power Systems (book title), Editors: R. S. Amano and B. Sunden, WIT Press, Southhampton, United Kingdom, 2008
Kusterer, K., Bohn, D.:
Future Cooling Technologies for Gas Turbine Application
First Int. Conference of Energy Engineering (ICEE-1), ASWAN, Egypt, December 2008
Kusterer, K., Elyas, A., Bohn, D., Sugimoto, T., Tanaka, R.:
Double-Jet Film-Cooling for Highly Efficient Film Cooling with Low Blowing Ratios
ASME-paper GT-2008-50073, Proceedings of the ASME Turbo Expo 2008, Berlin, Germany, June 2008

Publications from Univ.- Prof. Dr.-Ing. D. Bohn, former Director of the IDG (Institut für Dampf- und Gasturbinen, RWTH Aachen)

Bohn, D., Ohlendorf, N., Willie, J.:
Dynamisches Verhalten von Flammen in der Brennkammer
VDI Wissensforum "Stationäre Gasturbinen im Wandel von Klimaschutz und Marktanforderungen", Leverkusen , 26.-27. November 2008
Bohn, D.:
Future Aspects and Developments for Advanced CO2-Free Power Station Technologies
4th International Symposium on Fluid Mechanics and Fluid Engineering, Beijing, China, November 2008
Bohn, D.:
Die Entwicklung offenporöser Mehrschichtsysteme für Dampfturbinen der 700°C-Technologie
VGB Power Tech 10/2008, pp. 28-32 (Revised Version of VGB Fachtagung Dampfturbinen und Dampfturbinenbetrieb, Flensburg, May 2008)
Bohn, D.:
Use of Biomass in Gas Turbines: Requirements and Challenges
International Gasification Seminar, Malmö, Sweden, October 2008
Bohn, D., Krewinkel, R.:
Numerical Investigation of the Effectiveness of Effusion Cooling for Plane Multi-Layer Systems With Different Base-Materials
2nd International Symposium on Jet Propulsion and Power Engineering, 2008-ISJPPE-2009, Guilin, China, September 2008
Bohn, D., Ren, J.:
How Far Have we Been? - Summary of the Investigations on Rotating Cavity at IDG, RWTH Aachen Uni.
2nd International Symposium on Jet Propulsion and Power Engineering, 2008-ISJPPE-2007, Guilin, China, September 2008
Bohn, D., Krewinkel, R., Tian, S.:
Cooling Performance of Grid-Sheets for Highly-Loaded Ultra-Supercritical Steam Turbines
2nd International Symposium on Jet Propulsion and Power Engineering, 2008-ISJPPE-2002, Guilin, China, September 2008
Bohn, D.:
Designing a Power Plant With Highest Efficiency: Results From SFB 561
2nd International Symposium on Jet Propulsion and Power Engineering, 2008-ISJPPE-0003, Guilin, China, September 2008
Bohn, D.:
Future Developments for CO2-free Power Plant Technologies With Integrated Gas Turbines
VGB Power Tech 7/2008, pp. 24-30
Bohn, D.:
Future Aspects and Developments for CO2-free Power Plant Technologies With Integrated Gas Turbines
Invited Lecture, IIW-Meeting, Graz, Austria, July 2008
Bohn, D., Kusterer, K., Sugimoto, T., Tanaka, R., A. Elyas:
Double-Jet Film Cooling for Highly- Efficient Film Cooling with Low Blowing Ratios
ASME Turbo Expo, GT2008-50073, Berlin, Germany, June 2008
Bohn, D., Ohlendorf, N., Willie, J.:
Thermoacoustic Modeling and Transfer Functions Determination for a Matrix Burner Using Unsteady
CFD ASME Turbo Expo, GT2008-50370, Berlin, Germany, June 2008
Bohn, D., Krewinkel, R.:
Influence of a Broken-Away TBC on the Flow Structure and Wall Temperature of an Effusion Cooled Multi-Layer Plate Using the Conjugate Calculation Method
ASME Turbo Expo, GT2008-50378, Berlin, Germany, June 2008
Bohn, D.:
Die Entwicklung offenporöser Mehrschichtsysteme für Dampfturbinen der 700°C-Technologie
VGB Fachtagung Dampfturbinen und Dampfturbinenbetrieb, Flensburg, Germany, May 2008
Bohn, D.:
Kraftwerksprozess: Wirkungsgradoptimierung, Kühlkonzepte, Herausforderungen künftiger Kraftwerksprozesse mit CO2-Endlagerung
VDI Wissensforum, Ratingen, Germany, April 2008
Poprawe R., Kelbassa I., Walther K., Witty M., Bohn, D., Krewinkel, R.:
Optimising and Manufacturing a Laser-Drilled Cooling Hole Geometry for Effusion Cooled Multi-Layer Plates
ISROMAC-12, ISROMAC12-2008-20091, Honululu, Hawaii, USA, February 2008,
Bohn, D., Ohlendorf, N., Willie, J.:
Prediction of Flame Dynamics in a Matrix Burner
ISROMAC-12, ISROMAC12-2008-20063, Honululu, Hawaii, USA, February 2008
Bohn, D., Krewinkel, R., Chr. Rakut:
Proposing a Novel Approach for Plant Design: the Combined Calculation of Power Plant Processes and Component Stress
ISROMAC-12, ISROMAC12-2008-20008, Honululu, Hawaii, USA, February 2008


Kusterer, K., Becker, B., Hagedorn, T., Haj Ayed, A., Salehpour, L., Sugimoto, T., Kinoshita, Y., Bohn, D.:
Low NOX-Emission Study for an Industrial Gas Turbine Pre-Mixed Combustor
Proceedings of the International Gas Turbine Conference, IGTC-2007-ABS-009, Tokyo, Japan, December 2007
Bohn, D., Kusterer, K.:
Effiziente Kühltechnologie für Gasturbinen
1. Fachtagung "Moderne Karftwerkstechnik zur Reduzierung der CO2-Emissionen", Essen, Germany, 20.-21. November 2007
Kusterer, K., Bohn, D., Sugimoto, T., Tanaka, R.:
Double-Jet Ejection of Cooling Air for Improved Film Cooling
ASME Journal of Turbomachinery, Vol. 129, No. 4, pp. 809−815, revised version of ASME-paper GT2006-90854
Kusterer, K., Moritz, N., Bohn, D., Sugimoto, T., Tanaka, R.:
Reduction of Tip Clearance Losses in an Axial Turbine by Shaped Design of the Blade Tip Region
ASME-paper GT-2007-27303, Proceedings of the ASME Turbo Expo 2007, Montreal, Canada, May 2007
Kusterer, K., Bohn, D., Sugimoto, T., Tanaka, R.:
Influence of Blowing Ratio on the Double-jet Ejection of Cooling Air
ASME-paper GT-2007-27301, Proceedings of the ASME Turbo Expo 2007, Montreal, Canada, May 2007
Kusterer, K., Bohn, D.:
Experiences with the practical application of the conjugate calculation for turbomachinery
in: Verification and Validation Methods for Challenging Multiphysics Problems, pp. 57 ff., International Center for Numerical Methods in Engineering (CINME), Barcelona, Spain, 2007, ISBN: 84-96736-00-8
Kusterer, K., Hagedorn, T., Bohn, D.:
Unsteady Simulation of Slide Valve Operation in Power Plants
STAR EUROPEAN Conference 2007, London, U. K., March 2007

Publications from Univ.- Prof. Dr.-Ing. D. Bohn, former Director of the IDG (Institut für Dampf- und Gasturbinen, RWTH Aachen)

Bohn, D.:
Improved Cooling Concept for Turbine Blades of High-Temperature Gas Turbines
VGB PowerTech 12/2007 pp.96-103
Bohn, D.:
Sonderforschungsbereich 561 und ISF mit neuen Ideen für die Kraftwerksgeneration 2025
Proceedings des 10. internationalen Aachener Schweißtechnik Kolloquium, pp. 413-423, Aachen, Germany, October 2007
Laschet, G., Rex, S., Bohn, D., Krewinkel, R.:
3-D Numerical Analysis of Curved Transpiration Cooled Plates and Homogenization of Their Aerothermal Properties
ASME Journal of Turbomachinery 10 - 2007, Vol.129 , Issue 4, pp. 791-799 (Revised Version of GT2006-90377), October 2007
Bohn, D.:
Advanced Steam and Gas Turbines Technologies for Future Power Plant Generation
Invited Lecture - A.S.I. / SKODA Conference on Steam Turbines and Other Turbine Systems, Pilzn, Czech Republic, September 2007
Bohn, D., Ren, J., Peng, S., Sürken, N.:
Parameter Survey of Thermally Highly Loaded, Porous and Cooled Multi-Layer Systems for Turbine Blade
Journal of Thermal Science, Vol.16, No.2, 2007, pp. 181-185 (Revised Version of "2006-ISJPPE-3011")
Bohn, D., Ren, J., Kusterer, K.:
Investigation of the Steam-Cooled Blade in a Steam Turbine Cascade
Bohn, D.:
Hybrid System - A Promising Way Solving Future Energy Problems
Journal of Aerospace Power, Vol. 22, No. 4, pp. 565-576 (ISSN 1000-8055) (Revised Version of "2006-ISJPPE-Invited Lecture")
Bohn, D.:
Das Kombikraftwerk der Zukunft
RWTH Themen, Sonderheft Sommersemester 2007, pp. 22-26 (ISSN 0179-079X)
Bohn, D., Krewinkel, R.:
The Influence of Manufacturing and Operational Factors on the Temperature in Effusion-Cooled Gas Turbine Parts
GTE-2007, Kyiv, Ukraine, May 2007
Hagedorn, T., Bohn, D., Kusterer, K.:
Unsteady Simulation of a Slide Valve Operation
March 2007
Bohn, D., Ren, J.:
Influence of Laminar and Turbulent Viscosity on the Unstable Flow Pattern in a Rotating Cavity
7th European Turbomachinery Conference, Paper B-135, Athens, Greece, March 2007
Bohn, D., Krewinkel, R.:
Effects of Concave and Convex Curvature on the Cooling Effectiveness of Effusion Cooled Multi-Layer Plates
7th European Turbomachinery Conference, Paper B-133, Athens, Greece, March 2007


Kusterer, K., Sugimoto, T., Tanaka, R., Bohn, D.:
Improvement of Cooling Effectiveness for Modern Gas Turbine Blades by Optimised Positioning of Film-cooling Holes
Stationäre Gasturbinen im Fokus von Wirtschaftlichkeit, Sicherheit und Klimaschutz, VDI-Berichte Nr. 1695, 2006, pp. 61-72
Bohn, D., Kusterer, K.:
New Methods for Calculation of Heat Transfer in Coated Gas Turbine Blades
Siemens CKI Innovationsforum "Power Generation, Transportation and Distribution", Aachen, Germany, October 2006
Bohn, D., Ren, J., Kusterer, K.:
Investigation of the Steam-cooled Blade in a Steam Turbine Cascade
Proceedings of the 1st International Symposium on Jet Propulsion and Power Engineering, paper 2006-ISJPPE-3016, Kumming, China, September 2006
Kusterer, K., Bohn, D., Sugimoto, T., Tanaka, R.:
Double-jet Ejection of Cooling Air for Improved Film-cooling
ASME-paper GT2006-90854, Proceedings of the ASME Turbo Expo 2006, Barcelona, Spain, May 2006
Kusterer, K., Hagedorn, T., Bohn, D., Sugimoto, T., Tanaka, R.:
Improvement of a Film-cooled Blade by Application of the Conjugate Calculation Technique
ASME Journal of Turbomachinery, Vol. 128, No. 3, pp. 572−578, revised version of ASME-paper GT2005-68555

Publications from Univ.- Prof. Dr.-Ing. D. Bohn, former Director of the IDG (Institut für Dampf- und Gasturbinen, RWTH Aachen)

Bohn, D., R.Pitz-Paal, R. Buck:
Einkopplung von Solarenergie in Gasturbinen - Ansätze, Erfahrungen und Forschungsbedarf
Stationäre Gasturbinen im Fokus der Wirtschaftlichkeit, Sicherheit, Klimaschutz VDI-Berichte Nr.1695, page 21-32, 2006
Bohn, D., Sugimoto, T., Tanaka, R.,, Kusterer, K.:
Erhöhung der Kühleffektivität bei modernen Gasturbinenschaufeln durch optimierte Positionierung der Filmkühlbohrungen
Stationäre Gasturbinen im Fokus der Wirtschaftlichkeit, Sicherheit, Klimaschutz VDI-Berichte Nr.1695, page 61-72, 2006
Bohn, D.:
SFB 561: aiming for 65% CC efficiency with an air cooled gas turbine
Modern Power Systems, Vol. 26, No. 9pp. 25-29, September 2006,
Bohn, D.:
Hybrid System - A Promising Way Solving Future Energy Problems First
International Symposium on Jet Propulsion and Power Engineering, 2006-ISJPPE-Invited Lecture, Kunming, China, September 2006
Bohn, D., Ren, J., Kusterer, K.:
Investigation of the Steam-Cooled Blade in a Steam Turbine Cascade
First International Symposium on Jet Propulsion and Power Engineering, 2006-ISJPPE-3016, Kunming, China, September 2006
Bohn, D., P. Shan, Ren, J., Sürken, N.:
Thermally Highly Loaded, Porous and Cooled Multi-Layer Systems for Combined Cycle Power Plants
First International Symposium on Jet Propulsion and Power Engineering, 2006-ISJPPE-3011, Kunming, China, September 2006
Bohn, D., Th. Hagedorn, Kusterer, K., Sugimoto, T., Tanaka, R.:
Improvement of a Film-Cooled Blade by Application of the Conjugate Calculation Technique
Journal of Turbomachinery, July 2006, Vol. 128, pp. 572-578 (Revised Version of GT2005-68555)
Bohn, D., Sell, M.:
Einfluss von Naben- und Gehäusekavitäten auf den Dampfturbinenwirkungsgrad
VGB Fachtagung "Dampfturbinen und Dampfturbinenbetrieb", Bremen, June 2006
Bohn, D., Ch. Tümmers, Krewinkel, R., Sell, M.:
Influence of the Radial and Axial Gap of the Shroud Cavities on the Flowfield in a 2-Stage Turbine
ASME Turbo Expo, GT2006-90857, Barcelona, Spain, May 2006
Bohn, D., Krewinkel, R.:
The Effects of Unintentional Deviations Due to Manufacturing of Cooling Holes and Operation on Transpiration Cooling Efficiency
ASME Turbo Expo, GT2006-90856, Barcelona, Spain, May 2006
Bohn, D., Kusterer, K., Sugimoto, T., Tanaka, R.:
Double-Jet Injection of Cooling Air for Improved Film-Cooling
ASME Turbo Expo, GT2006-90854, Barcelona, Spain, May 2006
Bohn, D., B. Johnson, R. Jakoby, Cunat, D.:
A Method for Estimating the Influence of Time-Dependent Vane and Blade Pressure Fields on Turbine Rim Seal Ingestion #
ASME Turbo Expo, GT2006-90853, Barcelona, Spain, May 2006
Bohn, D., Ren, J., Ch. Tümmers:
Investigation of the Unstable Flow Structure in a Rotating Cavity
ASME Turbo Expo, GT2006-90494, Barcelona, Spain, May 2006
Bohn, D., A. Decker, Ohlendorf, N., R. Jakoby:
Influence of an Axial and Radial Rim Seal Geometry on Hot Gas Ingestion into the Upstream Cavity of an 1.5-Stage Turbine
ASME Turbo Expo, GT2006-90453, Barcelona, Spain, May 2006
Laschet, G., Rex, S., Bohn, D., Krewinkel, R.:
3-D Analysis of Curved Transpiration Cooled Plates and Homogenization of Their Aerothermal Properties
ASME Turbo Expo, GT2006-90377, Barcelona, Spain, May 2006
P. Childs, K. Dullenkopf, Bohn, D.:
Internal Air Systems Experimental Rig Best Practice
ASME Turbo Expo, GT2006-90215, Barcelona, Spain, May 2006
Bohn, D., Krewinkel, R.:
Influence of Production-Caused Deviations in Cooling Hole Geometry on the Cooling Efficiency of a Transpiration-Cooled Multi-Layer Plate
ISROMAC-11, ISROMAC11-15, Honolulu, Hawaii, USA, February 2006
Bohn, D., Ch. Tümmers, Sell, M.:
Influence of the Radial Gap on the Flow Field of a 2-Stage Turbine with Shrouded Bladings
ISROMAC-11, ISROMAC11-14, Honolulu, Hawaii, USA, February 2006


Bohn, D., Ren, J., Kusterer, K.:
Systematic Investigation on Conjugate Heat Transfer Rates of Film Cooling Configurations
International Journal of Rotating Machinery 2005:3, pp. 211-220, revised version of ISROMAC2004-paper 138
Bohn, D., Heuer, T., Kusterer, K.:
Conjugate Flow and Heat Transfer Investigation of a Turbo Charger: Part 1 - Numerical Results
ASME Journal of Engineering for Gas Turbines and Power, Vol. 127, No. 3, pp. 663-669, 2005, revised version of ASME-paper GT-2003-38445
Bohn, D., Moritz, N., Tümmers, C.:
Influence of Convex Curvature on Heat Transfer and Thermal Load of Full Coverage Cooled Multi-Layer Plates
ISABE-2005-1072, XVII ISABE, Munich, Germany, September 2005
Bohn, D., Ren, J., Kusterer, K.:
Cooling Performance of the Steam-Cooled Vane in a Steam Turbine Cascade
ASME-paper GT2005-68148, Proceedings of ASME Turbo Expo 2005, Reno-Tahoe, USA, June 2005
Kusterer, K., Hagedorn, T., Bohn, D., Sugimoto, T., Tanaka, R.:
Improvement of a Film-Cooled Blade by Application of the Conjugate Calculation Technique
ASME-paper GT2005-68555, Proceedings of ASME Turbo Expo 2005, Reno-Tahoe, USA, June 2005
Bohn, D., Kusterer, K., Moritz, N.:
STAR-CD Application in Power-Plants - Optimization of Water Seperator Flows
STAR American Conference, Detroit, USA, May 2005
Bohn, D., Kusterer, K.:
Convective Steam Cooling of a Test Configuration for a Gas Turbine Vane
6th World Conference on Experimental Heat Transfer, Fluid Mechanics and Thermodynamics, Matsushima, Miyagi, Japan, April 2005
Kusterer, K., Bohn, D.:
Turbulent and Conjugate Heat Transfer Simulation for Gas Turbine Application
Modelling and Simulation of Turbulent Heat Transfer pp. 248 - 313, ISBN 1-85312-956-9, Editors: B. Sunden and M. Faghri, WIT Press, Southhampton, U.K. 2005,
Bohn, D., Ren, J., Kusterer, K.:
Systematic Investigation of the Heat Transfer Rate in the Film Cooling Flowfield
International Journal of Rotating Machinery, Vol. 3, 2005, pp. 211-220 (Revised Version of ISROMAC10-2004-138)

Publications from Univ.- Prof. Dr.-Ing. D. Bohn, former Director of the IDG (Institut für Dampf- und Gasturbinen, RWTH Aachen)

Bohn, D., Ausmeier, S., Ren, J.:
Investigation of the Optimum Clocking Position in a Two-Stage Axial Turbine
International Journal of Rotating Machinery, Vol. 3, 2005, pp. 202-210 (Revised Version of ISROMAC10-2004-144)
Bohn, D.:
Decentralised energy systems: state of the art and potentials
Int. Journal of Energy Technology and Policy, Vol. 3, Nos. 1/2, pp. 1-11, 2005,
Bohn, D., Ren, J., Ch. Tümmers, Sell, M.:
Effect of Clocking on the Pressure Distribution in a Two-Stage Axial Turbine
ISABE-2005-1034, XVII ISABE, Munich, Germany, September 2005
Bohn, D., Moritz, N., Ch. Tümmers:
Influence of Convex Curvature on Heat Transfer and Thermal Load of Full Coverage Cooled Multi-Layer Plates
ISABE-2005-1072, XVII ISABE, Munich, Germany, September 2005
Bohn, D., Ren, J., Ch. Tümmers, Sell, M.:
Unsteady 3D-Numerical Investigation of the Influence of the Shroud Cavities on the Stator-Rotor Interaction in a 2-Stage Turbine
ISABE-2005-1155, XVII ISABE, Munich, Germany, September.2005
Bohn, D.:
Technologien für die Gasturbinen der übernächsten Generation - Ergebnisse aus dem DFG-Sonderforschungsbereich 561
VGB Power Tech, Vol. 7/2005, pp. 65 -71
Bohn, D., Moritz, N.:
Algebraic method for efficient adaption of structured grids to fluctuating geometries
IMechE Journal of Power and Energy - Part 1, Vol219, 2005
Bohn, D., Ren, J., C. Tümmers, Sell, M.:
Unsteady 3D-Numerical Investigation of the Influence of the Blading Design on the Stator-Rotor Interaction in a 2-Stage Turbine
ASME Turbo Expo. GT2005-68115, Reno, Nevada, USA, June 2005
Bohn, D., U. Dilthey, F. Schubert:
Kombikraftwerk der Zukunft - Innovative Technologien für ein GuD-Kraftwerk mit 65 % Wirkungsgrad
BWK Bd. 57 (2005) Nr. 5
Bohn, D.:
Technologien für die Gasturbinen der übernächsten Generation
VGB Fachtagung "Gasturbinen und Gasturbinenbetrieb", Dresden, Germany, May 2005
Bohn, D.:
Innovative Technologien für ein GuD-Kraftwerk mit einem Wirkungsgrad über 65%
FVV Frühjahrstagung, Frankfurt, Germany, April 2005
Bohn, D.:
Micro Gas Turbine and Fuel Cell - A Hybrid Energy Conversion System with High Potential Micro Gas Turbines
RTO-AVT-VKI Lecture Series, Brussels, Belgium, March 2005
Bohn, D., Ren, J.:
Improving turbine's efficiency by the clocking technique
STAR European Conference 2005, London, United Kingdom, , February 2005
Bohn, D., Ren, J.:
Turbines clock in: improving efficiency by the clocking technique
CD Adapco Dynamics, Issue 24, pp. 22-23, Spring 2005
Bohn, D., Ren, J.:
Influence of Stator Clocking on the Unsteady 3D Flow in a Two-stage Turbine
ASME Journal of Turbomachinery, Vol. 127 Issue 1, 2005. pp 156-163 (revised version of GT2004-53511)


Bohn, D., Kusterer, K.:
Experiences with the Practical Application of the Conjugate Calculation for Turbomachinery
PROMUVAL Work Shop, Athens, Greece, November 2004
Kusterer, K., Lepers, J.:
Application of STAR-CD for Cooling Tower Investigations with Side Wind Effects
CD adapco Group European User Conference, London, 2004
Bohn, D., Kusterer, K., Sugimoto, T., Tanaka, R.:
Conjugate Calculations for a Film-cooled Blade under Different Operation Conditions
ASME-paper GT2004-53719, Proceedings of ASME Turbo Expo 2004, Vienna, Austria, June 2004
Lepers, J., Paesler, L., Röper, R.:
Energetische Verwertung von holzartiger Biomasse
BWK Energie Fachmagazin, Germany, May 2004
Bohn, D., Kusterer, K., Ren, J.:
Systematic Investigation on Conjugate Heat Transfer Rates of Film Cooling Configurations
The 10th International Symposium on Transport Phenomena and Dynamics of Rotating Machinery, ISROMAC10-2004-138, Honolulu, USA, March 2004
Publications from Univ.- Prof. Dr.-Ing. D. Bohn, former Director of the IDG (Institut für Dampf- und Gasturbinen, RWTH Aachen):
Bohn, D.:
State-of-the-Art and Future Development in Thermal Turbomachinery usedin Power Stations
ISFMFE-Conference, Beijing, China, December 1-3, 2004
Bohn, D., Balkowski, I., Ch. Tümmers, Sell, M.:
3D-instationäre Schaufelgitter-Interaktionen in zweistufigen Turbinenbeschaufelungen mit Deckband-Kavitäten
Tagungsband zum 9. Statusseminar der AG Turbo, Verbundprojekt "CO2-armes Kraftwerk - 500 MW auf einer Welle", Cologne, Dezember 2004
Bohn, D., U. Dilthey, F. Schubert:
Innovative Technologien für ein GuD-Kraftwerk mit 65 % Wirkungsgrad
VDI-GET Fachtagung, Leverkusen, November 2004
Bohn, D., J. Funcke, Ren, J., Sürken, N., Sell, M., Th. Osterhage:
Numerical and Experimental Investigation of the Wetness in the Front Stages of a Low-Pressure Steam Turbine
VGB PowerTech, Vol. 84/2004, November 2004
Bohn, D.Sell, M.:
Measurements of a Two-Stage Axial Turbine With Shrouded Rotor Cavities
Journal of Thermal Science, 2004, Vol. 13 (4), pp. 310-314
Bohn, D.:
Quasi 3D-LDV Measurements of Unsteady Flow Fields in a Rim Sealing of a Turbine Stage
Journal of Aerospace Power, 2004, Vol. 19 (4), pp. 455-458
Bohn, D., J. Funcke, Ren, J., Sürken, N., Sell, M., Th. Osterhage:
Numersiche und experimentelle Untersuchung der Nässe in den Frontstufen von Niederdruckdampfturbinen
VGB-Fachtagung "Dampfturbinen und Dampfturbinenbetrieb 2004", Regensburg, Germany, June 2004
Bohn, D.:
Numerical Simulation of the Unsteady Flow Field in an Axial Gas Turbine Rim Seal Configuration
GT-2004-53829, ASME Turbo Expo 2004, Vienna, Austria, June 2004
Bohn, D., Ren, J., Sell, M.:
Influence of Stator Clocking on the Unsteady 3D Flow in a Two-stage Turbine GT-2004-53511
ASME Turbo Expo 2004, Vienna, Austria, June 2004
Bohn, D., O. Gentilhomme, T. Scanlon, J. Wilkes:
A Simple Method for Estimating Ingestion of Annulus Gas into a Turbine Rotor Stator Cavity in the Presence of External Pressure Variations
GT-2004-53097, ASME Turbo Expo 2004, Vienna, Austria, June 2004
Bohn, D., Moritz, N.:
Numerical Study on Inner Hole Shaping of Full Coverage Cooled Multi-Layer Plates
ISROMAC-10, ISROMAC10-2004-143, Honolulu, Hawaii, USA, March 2004
Bohn, D., S. Ausmeier, , Ren, J.:
Investigation of the Optimum Clocking Position in a Two-Stage Axial
Turbine ISROMAC-10, ISROMAC10-2004-144, Honolulu, Hawaii, USA March 2004
Bohn, D., Balkowski, I.:
Interaction of Steam Flow and Oxidation-Layer at the Surface of Steam Turbine Guide Vanes at Higher Steam Parameters of 620°C and 93 bar
ISROMAC-10, ISROMAC10-2004-155, Honolulu, Hawaii, USA, March 2004


Bohn, D., Kusterer, K., Sugimoto, T., Tanaka, R.:
Conjugate Heat Transfer, Internal Flow, and External Flow Analyses for a Film-Cooled Blade
Proceedings of the International Conference on Power Engineering, ICOPE-03, Kobe, Japan, November 2003
Bohn, D., Kusterer, K., Sugimoto, T., Tanaka, R.:
Conjugate Heat Transfer Analysis of a Test Configuration for a Film-cooled Blade
Proceedings of the International Gas Turbine Conference, IGTC-2003-TS-083, Tokyo, Japan, November 2003
Lepers, J., Paesler, L., Röper, R.:
Innovatives Verfahren für die energetische Verwertung von holzartiger Biomasse
Vortrag Arbeitsgruppe Biomasse, Landesinitiative Zukunftsenergien NRW, Werl, Germany, October 2003
Bohn, D., Kusterer, K., Lepers, J., Ren, J.:
Cooling towers in the wind
CD adapco Dynamics, Issue 21 Fall 2003
Bohn, D., Heuer, T., Kusterer, K.:
Conjugate Flow and Heat Transfer Analysis of a Turbo Charger
Proceedings of the International Symposium on Air-Breathing Engines, ISABE-2003-1167, Cleveland, USA, September 2003
Bohn, D., Kusterer, K., Sugimoto, T., Tanaka, R.:
Conjugate Analysis of a Test Configuration for a Film cooled Blade Under Off-design Conditions
Proceedings of the International Symposium on Air-Breathing Engines, ISABE-2003-1167, Cleveland, USA, September 2003
Bohn, D., Kusterer, K., Ren, J.:
Conjugate Heat Transfer Analysis for Film-cooling Configurations with Different Hole Geometries
ASME-paper GT-2003-38369, Proceedings of the ASME Turbo Expo 2003, Atlanta, USA, June 2003
Bohn, D., Kusterer, K., Heuer, T.:
Conjugate Flow and Heat Transfer Investigation of a Turbo Charge: Part 1: Numerical Results
ASME-paper GT-2003-38445, Proceedings of the ASME Turbo Expo 2003, Atlanta, USA, June 2003
Bohn, D., Lepers, J.:
Effects of Biogas Combustion on the Operation Characteristics and Pollutant Emissions of a Micro Gas Turbine
ASME-paper GT-2003-38767, Proceedings of the ASME Turbo Expo 2003, Atlanta, USA, June 2003
Bohn, D., Kusterer, K., Ren, J.:
Conjugate Heat Transfer Analysis of Cooling Jets Ejected from a Row of Shaped Holes
6th ISAIF Conference, Shanghai, China, April 2003
Bohn, D., Kusterer, K., Ren, J.:
Influence of Conjugate Heat Transfer on Film Cooling
Proceedings of the 5th European Conference on Turbomachinery, pp. 475-485, Prag, Czech Republic, March 2003

Publications from Univ.- Prof. Dr.-Ing. D. Bohn, former Director of the IDG (Institut für Dampf- und Gasturbinen, RWTH Aachen)

Bohn, D., Ausmeier, S., Heuer, T., Wolff, M., Moritz, N.:
Gekoppelte Berechnung von Strömung und Wärmetransport in Verdichter, Turbine und Gehäuse einer Gasturbine
VGB PowerTech, Vol. 83, No. 11/2003
Kusterer, K., Bohn, D., Sugimoto, T., Tanaka, R.:
Conjugate Heat Transfer, Internal Flow, and External Flow Analyses for a Film-cooled Blade
ICOPE-03, Kobe, Paper-No. C103, pp. 143-148, Vol. 1, November 2003
Bohn, D., Moritz, N.:
Numerical Parametric Study on Full Coverage Cooled Multi-Layer Plates
International Gas Turbine Congress (IGTC) 2003 Tokyo, Japan, November 2003
Kusterer, K., Bohn, D., Sugimoto, T., Tanaka, R.:
Conjugate Heat Transfer Analysis of a Test Configuration for a Film-cooled Blade
International Gas Turbine Congress (IGTC) 2003 Tokyo, Japan, November 2003
Bohn, D., Balkowski, I., Ch. Tümmers, Sell, M.:
Numerical Investigation of two 3-D designed Profiles in a 2-Stage Turbine with Shrouded Blades
International Gas Turbine Congress (IGTC) 2003Tokyo, Japan, November 2003
Bohn, D., Sürken, N., S. Mizuki, H. Tsujita:
Numerical Investigation of Flow around the Leading Edge of a Turbine Blade with Transpiration Cooling
(1st Report, Properties for Fundamental Parameters) (in japanese), Transactions of the JSME, Vol. 69, No. 686-B, pp. 2221-2229, October 2003
Kusterer, K., Bohn, D., Ren, J.:
Cooling towers in the wind
CD adapco Dynamics, September 2003
Bohn, D., Kusterer, K., Sugimoto, T., Tanaka, R.:
Conjugate Analysis of a Test Configuration for a Film-cooled Blade under Off-design Conditions
ISABE-2003-1176, XVI ISABE, Cleveland, OH, USA, August 2003
Bohn, D., Heuer, T., Kusterer, K.:
Conjugate Flow and Heat Transfer Analysis of a Turbo Charger
ISABE-2003-1167, XVI ISABE, Cleveland, OH, USA, September 2003
Bohn, D., Sürken, N., Kreitmeier, F.:
Nucleation Phenomena in a Multi-Stage Low Pressure Steam Turbine
ImechE - Journal of Power and Energy, Part A, Vol. 217, Number 4, pp. 453-460, August 2003

Bohn, D., H. H.-W. Funke:Experimental Investigations Into the Nonuniform Flow in a 4-Stage Turbine With Special Focus on the Flow Equalization in the First Turbine StageGT2003-38547, ASME Turbo Expo 2003, Atlanta, GA, USA, June 2003

Bohn, D., A. Decker, H. Ma, Wolff, M.:
Influence of Sealing Air Mass Flow on the Velocity Distribution in and inside the Rim Seal of the Upstream Cavity of a 1.5-Stage Turbine
GT-2003-38459, ASME Turbo Expo 2003, Atlanta, GA, USA, June 2003
Bohn, D., Wolff, M.:
Improved Formulation to Determine Minimum Sealing Flow - Cw, min - for Different Sealing Configurations
GT-2003-38465, ASME Turbo Expo 2003, Atlanta, GA, USA, June 2003
Bohn, D., Ch. Tümmers:
Numerical 3-D Conjugate Flow and Heat Transfer Investigation of a Transonic Convection-Cooled Thermal Barrier Coated Turbine Guide Vane with Reduced Cooling Fuid Mass Flow
GT2003-38431, ASME Turbo Expo 2003, Atlanta, GA, USA, June 2003
Bohn, D., Balkowski, I., H. Ma, Ch. Tümmers, Sell, M.:
Influence of Open and Closed Shroud Cavities on the Flowfield in a 2-Stage Turbine with Shrouded Bladings
GT2003-38436, ASME Turbo Expo 2003, Atlanta, GA, USA, June 2003
Bohn, D., Ren, J., Kusterer, K.:
Conjugate Heat Transfer Analysis for Film Cooling Configurations with Different Hole Geometries
GT-2003-38369, ASME Turbo Expo 2003, Atlanta, GA, USA, June 2003
Bohn, D., Moritz, N., Laschet, G., Rex, S.:
Homogenization of Material Properties of Transpiration Cooled Multilayer Plates GT2003-38439
ASME Turbo Expo 2003, Atlanta, GA, USA, June 2003
Bohn, D., Heuer, T., Kusterer, K.:
Conjugate Flow and Heat Transfer Investigation of a Turbo Charger: Part I - Numerical Results
GT2003-38445, ASME Turbo Expo 2003, Atlanta, GA, USA, June 2003
Bohn, D., Moritz, N., Wolff, M.:
Conjugate Flow and Heat Transfer Investigation of a Turbo Charger: Part II - Experimental Results
GT2003-38449, ASME Turbo Expo 2003, Atlanta, GA, USA, June 2003
Bohn, D., Lepers, J.:
Effects of Biogas Combustion on the operation characteristics and pollutant emissions of a micro gas turbine
GT2003-38767, ASME Turbo Expo 2003, Atlanta, GA, USA, June 2003
Bohn, D., Moritz, N., Ausmeier, S., Heuer, T., Wolff, M.:
Gekoppelte Berechnung von Strömung und Wärmetransport in Verdichter, Turbine und Gehäuse einer Gasturbine
VGB-Fachtagung "Gasturbinen und Gasturbinenbetrieb 2003", Bonn, Germany, May 2003
Bohn, D., Balkowski, I.:
Investigations on the Development of the Oxidation-Layer on a Steam Turbine Guide Vane - Interaction of the Steam Flow at Higher Steam Parameters of 620 °C and 94 bar.
VGB-PowerTech, Vol. 83, No. 4/2003, pp. 62-66, 2003
Bohn, D., Ren, J., Kusterer, K.:
Conjugate Heat Transfer Analysis of Cooling Jets Ejected from a Row of Shaped Holes
6th International Symposium on Experimental and Computational Aerothermodynamics of Internal Flows (6th ISAIF), Shanghai, China, April 2003
Bohn, D., Sürken, N., Kreitmeier, F.:
Nucleation Phenomena in a Multi-Stage Low Pressure Steam Turbine
Proceedings of the 5th European Conference on Turbomachinery, Prague, Czech Republic, March 2003
Bohn, D., Ren, J., Kusterer, K.:
Influence of Conjugate Heat Transfer on Film Cooling
Proceedings of the 5th European Conference on Turbomachinery, Prague, Czech Republic, March 2003
Bohn, D.:
Dezentrale Energiesysteme: Stand der Technik und Potenziale
VDI-GET Fachtagung "Fortschrittliche Energiewandlung und -anwendung", Stuttgart, Germany, March 2003 (VDI Berichte 1746, 2003, pp. 7-18)


Lepers, J., Bohn, D.:
Potenzial der Kopplung von Mikrogasturbinen und Brennstoffzellen für die dezentrale Energieversorgung
VDI-Berichte Nr. 1594, Bochum, Germany, September 2002
Lepers, J.:
Numerische Untersuchung des Betriebsverhaltens und der Schadstoffemissionen von Gasturbinen bei Feuerung niederkalorischer Gase
Doctoral Thesis, RWTH Aachen University, Aachen, Germany, September 2002
Kusterer, K., Heuer, T., Bohn, D.:
Conjugate Flow And Heat Transfer Investigations of Turbine Nozzle Guide Vanes
Heat Transfer 2002, Proceedings of the 12th IHTC, Grenoble, France, August 2002
Lepers, J., Bohn, D., Pöppe, N.:
Assessment of the Potential of Combined Micro Gas Turbine and High Temperature Fuel Cell Systems
ASME-Paper GT-2002-30112, Amsterdam, Netherlands, June 2002
Kusterer, K., Wolff, M., Wolff, A., Bohn, D.:
Experimental and Numerical Investigation of a Steam-cooled Vane
ASME-paper GT-2002-20210, Amsterdam, Netherlands, June 2002

Publications from Univ.- Prof. Dr.-Ing. D. Bohn, former Director of the IDG (Institut für Dampf- und Gasturbinen, RWTH Aachen)

Laschet, G., Rex, S., Bohn, D., Moritz, N.:
3-D Conjugate Analysis of Cooled Coated Plates and Homogenization of their Thermal Properties
Numerical Heat Transfer, Part A - Applications, Vol 42, Nr. 1, pp 91-100, 2002
Bohn, D., Lepers, J.:
Wege zum 70 % Kraftwerk - Kopplung von Mikrogasturbine und Brennstoffzelle
VDI-Berichte Nr. 1714, 165-176, September 2002
Bohn, D.:
New Materials and Cooling Systems for High Temperature, Highly Loaded Components in Advanced Combined Cycle Power Plants
7th Liège Conference, Liège, Belgium, September 2002
Bohn, D., Krüger, U., Kusterer, K.:
Conjugate heat transfer: an advanced computational method for the cooling design of modern gas turbine blades and vanes
WIT Press, Heat Transfer in Gas Turbines ISBN: 1-85312-666-7, 2002
Bohn, D., Heuer, T., Kusterer, K.:
Conjugate Flow and Heat Transfer Investigations of Turbine Nozzle Guide Vanes
Proceedings of the 12th International Heat Transfer Conference, Vol. 4, pp. 675 - 680, Grenoble, France, August 2002
Bohn, D., Balkowski, I.:
Untersuchungen zur Entwicklung der Oxidschicht auf einer Dampfturbinen-Leitschaufel und deren Wechselwirkung mit der Umströmung bei erhöhten Dampfparametern von 620 °C und 94 bar
VGB-Fachtagung "Dampfturbinen und Dampfturbinenbetrieb 2002", Speyer, Germany, June 2002
Bohn, D., Ch. Tümmers:
Numerical Investigation of Anisotropic Turbulence Effects Around a Film Cooled Turbine Vane
ASME TURBO EXPO, GT-2002-30351, Amsterdam, Netherlands, June 2002
Bohn, D., Kusterer, K., Wolff, A., Wolff, M.:
Experimental and Numerical Investigation of a Steam-Cooled Vane
ASME TURBO EXPO, GT-2002-30210, Amsterdam, Netherlands, June 2002
Bohn, D., Lepers, J., Pöppe, N.:
Assessment of the Potential of Combined Micro Gas Turbine and High Temperature Fuel Cell Systems
ASME TURBO EXPO, GT-2002-30112, Amsterdam, Netherlands, June 2002
Bohn, D., Sürken, N., Yu, Q., Kreitmeier, F.:
Axisymmetric Endwall Contouring in a Four-Stage Turbine - Comparison of Experimental and Numerical Results
ASME TURBO EXPO, GT-2002-30351, Amsterdam, Netherlands, June 2002
Bohn, D., Pöppe, N.:
State of the Art and Potential of Micro Gas Turbines in Combination with High Temperature Fuel Cells
VGB-PowerTech, Vol. 82, No. 3/2002, pp. 43-46, March 2002
Bohn, D., Kerpicci, H., Ren, J., Sürken, N.:
Homogeneous and Heterogeneous Nucleation and Wet-Steam Flow in a Nozzle and a LP-Turbine Cascade
9th International Symposium on Transport Phenomena and Dynamics of Rotating Machinery, DD-ABS-095, Honolulu, Hawaii, February 2002
Bohn, D., Bouzidi, F., Kitanina, E., Ris, V., Smirnov, E., Burkhardt, C., Wolff, M.:
Numerical and Experimental Investigations of the Air Flow and Heat Transfer in Rotating Cavities
9th International Symposium on Transport Phenomena and Dynamics of Rotating Machinery, HT-ABS-035, Honolulu, Hawaii, February 2002


Kusterer, K.:
Numerische Untersuchung des thermischen Mischungsverhaltens in Kühlluftstrahlen zur Vorderkantenkühlung von Gasturbinenschaufeln
Doctoral Thesis, ISBN 3-89653-892-6, Verlag Mainz, RWTH Aachen University, Aachen, Germany, 2001
Lepers, J., Bohn, D., Pöppe, N.:
Micro-Gas-Turbine and Fuel Cell - A Challenge for the Future in Decentralized Power and Heat Supply
Euroheat & Power Conference, Gdynia, Poland, June 2001
Krüger, U., Kusterer, K., Lang, G., Rösch, H., Krüger, U., Bohn, D., Martens, E.:
Analysis of the Influence of Cooling Steam Conditions on the Cooling Efficiency of a Steam-cooled Vane Using the Conjugate Calculations Technique
ASME TURBO EXPO 2001, 2001-GT-0166, New Orleans, LA, USA, June 2001
Kusterer, K., Krüger, U., Bohn, D.:
Conjugate Heat Transfer: An advanced Computational Method for the Cooling Design of Modern Gas Turbine Blades and Vanes
Gas Turbine Heat Transfer (book title) pp. 57 - 108, Editors: B. Sunden and M. Faghri, WIT Press, Southhampton, United Kingdom, 2001
Kusterer, K.:
Numerische Untersuchung des thermischen Mischungsverhaltens in Kühlluftstrahlen zur Vorderkantenkühlung von Gasturbinenschaufeln
Dissertation, RWTH Aachen, ISBN 3-89653-892-6, Verlag Mainz, Aachen, Germany, 2001

Publications from Univ.- Prof. Dr.-Ing. D. Bohn, former Director of the IDG (Institut für Dampf- und Gasturbinen, RWTH Aachen)

Bohn, D., Ren, J.:
Salt Solution and Radius Dependence of Surface Tension in Heterogenoeus Nucleation in Steam Turbine
2001 Chinese Engineering Thermophysics Conference, Qingdao, October 2001
Bohn, D., Ch. Tümmers, Kreitmeier, F.:
Numerical Simulation of 3-D-Flow with Respect to the Anisotropic
Character of Turbulence XV ISABE 2001, ISABE-2001-1156, Bangalore, India, September 2001
Bohn, D., Krüger, U., Hüren, J., Hoffmann, S., Krebs, W., Flohr, P.:
Prediction and MEasurement of Thermoacoustic Improvements in Gas Turbines With Annular Combustion Systems
Journal of Engineering for gas Turbines and Power, July 2001, Vol. 123, pp. 557-566 (Revised Version of 00-GT-095)
Bohn, D., Heuer, T.:
Conjugate Flow and Heat Transfer Calculation of a High Pressure Turbine Nozzle Guide Vane
AIAA 2001-3304, 37th AIAA/ASME/SAE/ASEE Joint Propulsion Conference & Exhibit, Salt Lake City Utah, July 2001
Bohn, D., Sürken, N.:
Leakage Loss Reduction by Endwall Contouring
AIAA 2001-2663, 15th AIAA Computational Fluid Dynamics Conference, Anaheim, CA, USA, June 2001
Bohn, D., Moritz, N.:
Comparison of Cooling Film Development Calculations for Transpiration Cooled Flat Plates with different Turbulence Models
ASME TURBO EXPO 2001, 2001-GT-0132, New Orleans, LA, USA, June 2001
Bohn, D., I.Balkowski:
Excitation of Ring Vortex Production in Subsonic Jets by Sound Waves
ASME TURBO EXPO 2001, 2001-GT-0261, New Orleans, LA, USA, June 2001
Bohn, D., Funke, H., Sürken, N., Kreitmeier, F.:
Numerical and Experimental Investigations on Endwall Contouring in a Four-Stage Turbine
ASME TURBO EXPO 2001, 2001-GT-0481, New Orleans, LA, USA, June 2001
Bohn, D., Felderhoff, M., Lepers, J., Moritz, N.:
SFB 561 - Energieforschung für die neue Kraftwerksgeneration nach 2020
7. Internationales Aachener Schweißtechnik Kolloquium, Aachen, Germany, May 2001
Bohn, D., Moritz, N.:
Numerical Investigation on Flow Field and Heat Transfer Phenomena in Multi-Hole Cooling Configurations
RTO-Symposium, Loen, Norwegen, May 2001
Laschet, G., Rex, S., Bohn, D., Moritz, N.:
3-D Investigation of Transpiration Cooled Coated Plates and Homogenisation of their Thermal Properties
CHT '01, Advances in Computational Heat Transfer II, pp. 551-558, Palm Cove, Queensland, Australia, May 2001
Bohn, D., Kerpicci. H., Ren, J., Sürken, N.:
Homogeneous and Heterogeneous Nucleation in a Nozzle Guide Vane of a LP-Steam Turbine
4th ECT, Florenz, Italy, March 2001
Bohn, D., Lepers, J., Pöppe, N., Sürken, N.:
Potenzial der Kopplung von Mikrogasturbinen und Brennstoffzellen für die dezentrale Energieversorgung
VDI-GET-Tagung, Bochum, March 2001
Bohn, D., Pöppe, N.:
Entwicklungsstand und Potential von Mikro-Gasturbinen in Verbindung mit Hochtemperatur-Brennstoffzellen
VGB-Konferenz "Neue Kraftwerkskonzepte zur Strom- und Wärme-Erzeugung", Essen, February 2001
Bohn, D., Pöppe, N.:
Künftige Kraftwerkstechnik auf Basis fossiler Brennstoffe Akademie der Wissenschaften
Düsseldorf, Germany, January 2001



Krüger, U., Kusterer, K., Bohn, D.:
Erhöhung der Lebensdauer und Zuverlässigkeit hochbelasteter Kraftwerkskomponenten durch gekoppelte Berechnung von Strömung und Wärmeleitung
VGB KraftwerksTechnik, 11/2000
Krüger, U., Kusterer, K., Bohn, D.:
Increasing the Lifetime and Reliability of Heavily Stressed Power Plant Components by the Coupled Calculation of Fluid Flow and Thermal Conduction
VGB PowerTech 11/2000
Krüger, U.:
Hochbelastete Abgaskanäle für Gasturbinen und Kombi-Kraftwerke
Seminar im Rahmen der Tagung Gasturbinentechnologie - Betrieb, Erfahrungen, Perspektiven, Essen, Germany, July 2000
Krüger, U., Bohn, D.:
Combustion Driven Oscillations in Gas Turbines: Theoretical Prediction and Evaluation of Passive Supression Methods
Eurotherm Seminar 67, ECOS 2000 Proceedings, University Twente, Netherlands, June 2000
Bohn, D., Kusterer, K., Sürken, N., Kreitmeier, F.:
Influence of the Endwall Contouring in Axial Gaps on the Flow Field in a Four-Stage Turbine
ASME-paper 2000-GT-472, Proceedings of the ASME Turbo Expo 2000, Munich, Germany, May 2000
Mönig, R., Mildner, R., Röper, R.:
Viscous-Flow 2D-Analysis including secondary Flow Effects
ASME-paper 2000-GT-628, Proceedings of the ASME Turbo Expo 2000, Munich, Germany, May 2000
Krüger, U., Hüren, J., Hoffmann, S., Krebs, W., Flohr, P., Bohn, D.:
Prediction and Measurement of Thermoacoustic Improvements in Gas Turbines with Annular Combustion Systems
ASME-paper 2000-GT-95, Proceedings of the ASME Turbo Expo 2000, Munich, Germany, May 2000
Bohn, D., Moritz, N., Krüger, U., Kusterer, K.:
Numerical Analysis of Streamwise and Lateral Ejection of Cooling Fluid at the Leading Edge of a Turbine Blade Cascade
Proceedings of the 8th ISROMAC Conference, Honolulu, USA, March 2000

Publications from Univ.- Prof. Dr.-Ing. D. Bohn, former Director of the IDG (Institut für Dampf- und Gasturbinen, RWTH Aachen)

Bohn, D., Kerpicci. H., Ren, J., Sürken, N., Kreitmeier, F.:
Aktive Beeinflussung der thermodynamischen und kinematischen Relaxationsprozesse in Niederdruck-Dampfturbinen durch Intensivierung
7. Statusseminar der AG Turbo, Verbundprojekt "CO2-armes Kraftwerk - 500 MW auf einer Welle", Cologne, Germany, December 2000
Bohn, D., Krüger, U., Kusterer, K.:
Increasing the Lifetime and Reliability of Heavily Stressed Power Plant Components by the Coupled Calculation of Fluid Flow and Thermal Conduction
International Journal for Power Plant Technology, Volume 80/2000, pp. 11-17, November 2000
Bohn, D., J.E. Roy-Aikins:
On Appraising Alternative Power Plant Investment Proposals, Part 1: The Economic Model.
ImechE - Journal of Power and Energy, Part A, Vol. 214, Number 6, pp. 541-551, 2000
Bohn, D., J.E. Roy-Aikins:
On Appraising Alternative Power Plant Investment Proposals, Part 2: Application.
ImechE - Journal of Power and Energy, Part A, Vol. 214, Number 6, pp. 553-563, 2000
Bohn, D., Moritz, N.:
Influence of Blowing Ratio on the Thermal Load of Transpiration Cooled Flat Plates
2nd International Symposium on Fluid Machinery and Fluid Engineering, Beijing, China, October 2000
Bohn, D., Ren, J.:
Numerical Research on the Heterogeneous Condensation in a Nozzle Guide Vane of a LP-Steam Turbine
2nd International Symposium on Fluid Machinery and Fluid Engineering, Beijing, China, October 2000
Bohn, D., Moritz, N.:
Hocheffiziente Kühltechnologien: Stand der Technik und Potenziale
VDI-GET Tagung "Gasturbinen für kombinierte Gas-Dampfturbinenanlagen", VDI-Berichte 1566, S. 115 - 124, Essen, Germany, September 2000
Bohn, D., Balkowski, I., Kerpicci. H., D. v. Nordheim, Sass, J.:
Experimental and Numerical Investigation of the Influence of Higher Steam Properties on Corrosion, Cooling and Reliability of Steam Turbines and Valves
VGB-ESCOM Int. Materials Conf., pp. 1-8, Pretoria, South Africa, September 2000
Bohn, D., Lepers, J.:
Simulation of Premixed Combustion in Highly Turbulent Flows: Comparison of a Joint - PDF and an Eddy-Break-Up-Model
ICTAM 2000, Chicago, USA, September 2000
Bohn, D., Kerpicci. H., Ren, J.:
Comparison of Homogeneous and Heterogeneous Condensation in a Nozzle Guide Vane of a LP-Steam Turbine
5th Int. Symposium on Heat Transfer, pp. 1-6, Beijing, China, August 2000
Bohn, D., Lepers, J., Sürken, N.:
Einsatz von Prozessberechnungsprogrammen zur Optimierung fortschrittlicher Dampfkraftprozesse
Chemie Ingenieur Technik, S. 683-687, July 2000
Bohn, D., Moritz, N.:
Influence of Hole Shaping of Staggered Multi-Hole Configurations on Cooling Film Development
34th Thermophysics Conference, AIAA 2000-2579, pp. 1-10, Denver, USA, June 2000
Bohn, D., Lepers, J., Sürken, N., Krüger, U.:
Kopplung von Mikrogasturbinen und Brennstoffzellen - Potenziale für die stationäre Stromerzeugung
BWK Bd. 52 (2000) Nr. 5, S. 48-51, May 2000
Bohn, D., Sürken, N.:
Investigation of Unsteady Flow Phenomena related to Hot Gas Ingestion in Gas Turbines North American
STAR-CD Users Conference, Troy, Michigan, USA, May 2000
Bohn, D., Krüger, U., Hüren, J., Hoffmann, S., Krebs, W., Flohr, P.:
Prediction and Measurement of Thermoacoustic Improvements in Gas Turbines with Annular Combustion Systems
ASME TURBO EXPO 2000, 2000-GT-95, Munich, Germany, May 2000
Bohn, D., Balkowski, I., D. von Nordheim, Sass, J.:
Influence of High Pressure Water Injection on Sound Emission of Steam Valves
ASME TURBO EXPO 2000, 2000-GT-567, Munich, Germany, May 2000
Bohn, D., Lepers, J.:
Multi-Fuel-Utilization in Gas Turbines: Characteristics of Operation and Pollutant Emissions
ASME TURBO EXPO 2000, Munich, Germany, May 2000
Bohn, D., Kusterer, K., Sürken, N., Kreitmeier, F.:
Influence of Endwall Contouring in Axial Gaps on the Flow Field in a Four Stage Turbine
ASME TURBO EXPO 2000, 2000-GT-472, Munich, Germany, May 2000
Bohn, D., Rudzinski, B., Sürken, N., Gärtner, W.:
Experimental and Numerical Investigation on the Influence of Rotorblades on Hot Gas Ingestion into the Upstream Cavity of an Axial Turbine Stage
ASME TURBO EXPO 2000, 2000-GT-284, Munich, Germany, May 2000
Bohn, D., Deutsch, G., B. Simon, C. Burkhardt:
Flow Visualisation in an Rotation Cavity with Axial Throughflow
ASME TURBO EXPO 2000, 2000-GT-280, Munich, Germany, May 2000
Bohn, D., Funke, H., Heuer, T., Bütikofer, J.:
Numerical and Experimental Investigations of the Influence of Different Swirl-Ratios on the Temperature Streak Development in a 4-Stage Turbine
ASME TURBO EXPO 2000, 2000-GT-250, Munich, Germany, May 2000
Bohn, D., Lepers, J.:
Numerical Simulation of Swirl-Stabilized Premixed Flames with a Turbulent Combustion Model based on a Systematically Reduced 6-Step Reacton Mechanism
ASME TURBO EXPO 2000, 2000-GT-143, Munich, Germany, May 2000
Bohn, D., Kusterer, K.:
Aerothermal Investigations of Mixing Flow Phenomena in Case of Radially Inclined Ejection Holes at the Leading Edge
ASME Journal of Turbomachinery, Vol. 122, pp. 334-339, April 2000(Revised Version of 99-GT-198)
Bohn, D., Moritz, N., Krüger, U., Kusterer, K.:
Numerical Analysis of Streamwise and Lateral Ejection of Cooling Fluid at the Leading Edge of a Turbine Cascade
ISROMAC-8, Honolulu, Hawaii, March 2000
Bohn, D., Kerpicci. H.:
Lagrangian / Eulerian Calculation Approach in the Computation of Homogeneous Condensation in a Nozzle Guide Vane of a LP-Steam Turbine
ISROMAC-8, Honolulu, Hawaii, March 2000
Bohn, D., Heuer, T.:
Numerical Conjugate Flow and Heat Transfer Investigation of a Transonic Convection-Cooled Turbine Guide Vane with Stress-Adapted Thicknesses of Different Thermal Barrier Coatings
AIAA paper 2000-1034, pp. 1-10, Reno, USA, January 2000



Bohn, D., Krüger, U., Kusterer, K.:
Erhöhung der Lebensdauer und Zuverlässigkeit von hochbelasteten Kraftwerkskomponenten durch gekoppelte Berechnung von Strömung und Wärmeübergang
VGB-Fachtagung "Gasturbinen und Gasturbinenbetrieb 1999", Essen, November 1999
Krüger, U., Lang, G., Bohn, D.:
Finite Elemente Methoden zur Analyse der thermischen Wechselermüdung von Rauchgaskanälen in Gasturbinenanlagen
FEM-Kongress Baden-Baden 1999, Baden-Baden, October 1999
Krüger, U., Hüren, J., Hoffmann, S., Krebs, W., Bohn, D.:
Prediction of Thermoacoustic Instabilities with Focus on the Dynamic Flame Behavior for the 3A-Series Gas Turbine of Siemens KWU
ASME-paper 99-GT-111, Proceedings of the ASME Turbo Expo 1999, Indianapolis, USA, June 1999
Bohn, D., Kusterer, K.:
Aerothermal Investigations of Mixing Flow Phenomena in Case of Radially Inclined Ejection Holes at The Leading Edge
ASME-paper 99-GT-198, Proceedings of the ASME Turbo Expo 1999, Indianapolis, USA, June 1999
Krüger, U., Hüren, J., Hoffmann, S., Krebs, W., Bohn, D.:
Combustion Driven Oscillations: Numerical Prediction of Dynamic Behavior of Gas Turbine Flames
AIAA-paper 99-1910, 5th AIAA/CEAS Aeroacoustics Conference, Seattle, USA, May 1999
Krüger, U.:
Selbsterregte Brennkammerschwingungen: Experimentelle und numerische Untersuchungen zur Flammendynamik
Doctoral Thesis, Mainz Verlag, ISBN 3-89653-476-9, RWTH Aachen University, Aachen, Germany, 1999
Bohn, D.Kusterer, K.:
Erhöhung der Lebensdauer und Zuverlässigkeit von hochbelasteten Kraftwerkskomponenten durch gekoppelte Berechnung von Strömung und
VGB-Fachtagung "Gasturbinen und Gasturbinenbetrieb", S. 1- 12, Essen, Germany, November 1999

Publications from Univ.- Prof. Dr.-Ing. D. Bohn, former Director of the IDG (Institut für Dampf- und Gasturbinen, RWTH Aachen)

Bohn, D., Becker, V., Kortmann, J.:
Numerical Conjugate Flow and Heat Transfer Investigation of a Transonic Convection-Cooled Turbine Guide Vane with Different Thermal Barrier Coatings
IGTC '99, pp. 1 -7, Kobe, Japan, November 1999
Bohn, D., Kusterer, K.:
Influence of Endwall Phenomena on Leading Edge Ejection
IGTC '99, pp. 1-8, Kobe, Japan, November 1999
Bohn, D., Lepers, J., Sürken, N.:
Vielparametrige Optimierung fortschrittlicher Kraftwerksprozesse mit Prozessberechnungsprogrammen
VDI-Berichte 1495, S. 551 - 560, VDI-GET Tagung "Entwicklungslinien in der Energie- und Kraftwerkstechnik", Essen, Germany, September 1999
Bohn, D., Becker, V., Kortmann, J.:
Numerical 3-D Conjugate Flow and Heat Transfer Investigation of a Transonic Convection-Cooled Thermal Barrier Coated Turbine Guide Vane
ISABE '99, Florence, Italy, September 1999
Bohn, D., Kusterer, K.:
Influence of Blowing Ratio on Cooling Efficiency of Lateral Leading Edge Ejection
ISABE '99, Florence, Italy, September 1999
Bohn, D., Kusterer, K., Lamping, M.:
Experimental and Numerical Analysis of Secondary Flow Interactions in a Four-Stage Test Turbine
ICET '99, Beijing, China, August 1999
Bohn, D., Kerpicci, H.:
Nucleation of Droplets and Homogeneous Cendensation in a Nozzle Guide Vane of a LP-Steam Turbine
ICET '99, Beijing, China, August 1999
Bohn, D., Funke, H., Gier, J.:
Numerical and Experimental Investigations on the Flow in a 4-Stage Turbine with Special Focus on the Development of a Radial Temperature Streak
ASME TURBO EXPO '99, 99-GT-27, Indianapolis, USA, June 1999
Bohn, D., Becker, V., Rungen, A.:
Experimental and Numerical Conjugate Flow and Heat Transfer Investigation of the Influence of Density Ratio and Blowing Ratio on the Film-Cooling Efficiency of a First Stage Turbine Guide Vane
ASME TURBO EXPO '99, 99-GT-199, Indianapolis, USA, June 1999
Bohn, D., Becker, V., Kusterer, K., Otsuki, Y., Sugimoto, T., Tanaka, R.:
3-D Internal Flow and Conjugate Calculations of a Convective Cooled Turbine Blade with Serpentine-Shaped and Ribbed Channels
ASME TURBO EXPO '99, 99-GT-220, Indianapolis, USA, June 1999
Bohn, D., Rudzinski, B., Sürken, N., Gärtner, W.:
Influence of Rim Seal Geometry on Hot Gas Ingestion into the Upstream Cavity of an Axial Turbine Stage
ASME TURBO EXPO '99, 99-GT-248, Indianapolis, USA, June 1999
Bohn, D., Lepers, J.:
Numerical Simulation of Turbulent Premixed Combustion Using a Joint-PDF Approach Based on a Systematically Reduced Multi-Step Reaction Mechanism
ASME TURBO EXPO '99, 99-GT-272, Indianapolis, USA, June 1999
Bohn, D.:
Combustion driven oscillations - Numerical prediction of dynamic behavior of gas turbine flames
AIAA/CEAS 5th Aeroacoustics Conference and Exh., p. 742-752, Bellevue, USA, May 1999
Bohn, D., Deutsch, G., B. Simon, C. Burkhardt:
Visualization of Flow Phenomena in Rotating Cavities With Axial Throughflow and Comparison with Numerical Results
PSFVIP-2, Honolulu, Hawaii, May 1999
Bohn, D.:
Die Gasturbine - eine erfolgreiche Technologie
Nr. 19 der ASUE-Schriftenreihe, S. 4 -1 4, Turbo-KWK '99-Kraft-Wärme-Kopplung mit Gasturbinen, Int. ASUE-Fachtagung, Cologne, Germany, March 1999
Bohn, D.:
Das Entwicklungspotential der Gasturbinen ist noch lange nicht ausgeschöpft
Nr. 19 der ASUE-Schriftenreihe, S.167-173, Turbo-KWK '99-Kraft-Wärme-Kopplung mit Gasturbinen, Int. ASUE-Fachtagung, Cologne, Germany, March 1999
Bohn, D., Lepers, J.:
Industrielle Gasturbinenkraftwerke: Einsatz von Wasser und Wasserdampf zur Leistungsregelung und Leistungssteigerung
VDI-Fachtagung Betriebliches Energiemanagement, VDI-Berichte 1462, S. 331 - 340, Cottbus, Germany, March 1999
Bohn, D., Kusterer, K., Lamping, M.:
Experimental and Numerical Investigation on the Influence of the Tip Leakage Flow on the Radial Flow Field in a Four Stage Turbine
3rd ECT, C557/148/99, pp. 447 - 488, London, United Kingdom, March 1999
Bohn, D., Funke, H., Gier, J.:
Temperature Jet Development in a Cross-Over Channel
3rd ECT, C557/158/99, pp. 671 - 679, London, United Kingdom, March 1999
Bohn, D., Kusterer, K.:
Blowing Ratio Influence on Jet Mixing Flow Phenomena at the Leading Edge
AIAA, paper 99-0670, Reno, USA, January 1999


Krüger, U., Hoffman, S., Krebs, W., Judith, H., Bohn, D., Matouschek, G.:
Influence of Turbulence on the Dynamic Behaviour of Premixed Flames
ASME-paper 98-GT-323, Proceedings of the ASME Turbo Expo 1998, Stockholm, Sweden, June 1998
Elmendorf, W., Mildner, F., Röper, R., Krüger, U., Kluck, M.:
Three-Dimensional Analysis of a Multistage Compressor Flow Field
ASME-paper 98-GT-249, Proceedings of the ASME Turbo Expo 1998, Stockholm, Sweden, June 1998
Bohn, D., Lepers, J., Krüger, U.:
Research and Development Activies of Combustion Technology for Advanced Gas Turbines
Proceedings of the 8th NCCST, Tainan, Taiwan R.O.C, March 1998
Krüger, U., Lang, G., Bohn, D.:
Fortschrittliche Methode zur Analyse von Abgaskanälen hinter Gasturbinen unter besonderer Berücksichtigung der inhomogenen Druck- und Temperaturbelastung aus der Strömung
VGB-Konferenz "Forschung für die Kraftwerkstechnik 1998", Essen, Germany, 1998

Publications from Univ.- Prof. Dr.-Ing. D. Bohn, former Director of the IDG (Institut für Dampf- und Gasturbinen, RWTH Aachen)

Bohn, D., Ziemann, M., Kusterer, K.:
Steam and Gas Turbines - Increase in Power Reliability
Advancement in Mechanical Engineering, pp. 84 - 91, Sarajevo, Bosnia-Herzegowina, October 1998
Bohn, D.:
State-of-the-Art and New Development in Numerical Simulation for Compressors and Turbines
Invited Lecture of the 3rd ICPF, pp. 55 - 66, Beijing, China, October 1998
Bohn, D., Becker, V., Rungen, A.:
Experimental Investigation and Conjugate Flow and Heat Transfer Analysis of the Influence of the Density Ratio on a Showerhead-Cooled Turbine Guide Vane
3rd ICPF, pp. 462 - 473, Beijing, China, October 1998
Bohn, D., Becker, V., Kusterer, K.:
3-D Numerical Investigation of Secondary Flow Phenomena in the Cooling Jets in Case of a Leading Edge Ejection and their Influence on the Thermal Load
ECCOMAS, Proceedings of the 4th European CFD Conference, Vol. 12, Part 1, pp. 457 - 462, Athens, Greece, September 1998
Bohn, D., Kusterer, K.:
3-D Numerical Aerodynamic and Combined Heat Transfer Analysis of a Turbine Guide Vane with Showerhead Ejection
Heat Transfer 1998, Proceedings of 11th IHTC, Vol. 4, pp. 313 - 318, Kyongju, Korea, August 1998
Bohn, D., Roy-Aikins, J.:
A Comparison of the Economic Performances of Hybrid PFBC and Conventional Combined-Cycle Plants
International Joint Power Generation Conference, Baltimore, USA, August 1998
Bohn, D., Drexler, C., Gier, J.:
Ausgleich der Strömung bei asymmetrischer Zuströmung zu einer mehrstufigen Turbine und Auswirkungen auf die Strömungsverhältnisse
MTZ Motortechnische Zeitschrift 59, S. 476 - 483 und MTZ wordwide, pp. 42 - 45, July/August 1998
Bohn, D., Kim, T.S.:
A Comparative Throughflow Analysis of Axial Flow Turbines
Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers Vol. 212, Part A, Journal of Power and Energy, pp. 141 - 145, 1998
Bohn, D., Becker, V., Kusterer, K., Rungen, A.:
Experimental and Numerical Conjugate Investigation of the Blowing Ratio Influence on the Shower Head Cooling Efficiency
ASME TURBO EXPO '98, 98-GT-85, Stockholm, Sweden, June 1998
Bohn, D., Becker, V.:
A Conjugate 3D-Flow and Heat Transfer Analysis of a Thermal Barrier Cooled Turbine Guide Vane
ASME TURBO EXPO '98, 98-GT-89, Stockholm, Sweden, June 1998
Bohn, D., Matouschek, G., Krüger, U,, Hoffmann, S., Krebs, W., Judith, H.:
Influence of Turbulence on the Dynamic Behavior of Premixed Flames
ASME TURBO EXPO '98, 98-GT-323, Stockholm, Sweden, June 1998
Bohn, D., Gier, J.:
The Effect of Turbulence on the Heat Transfer in Closed Gas-filled Rotating Annuli for Different Rayleigh Numbers
ASME TURBO EXPO '98, 98-GT-542, Stockholm, Sweden, June 1998
Bohn, D., Becker, V., Heuer, T., Kusterer, K.:
Calculation of the Thermal Load on a Cooled Turbine Vane: A Comparison of the Conventional and Conjugate Approach
SCEMMTE, PP. 317 - 322, Gent, Belgium, May 1998
Bohn, D., Holzenthal, K., Köster, C.:
Investigations in the Mixing Process of Fuel and Water in the Flame Tube of a Gasturbine
IMECHE, London, United Kingdom, April 1998
Bohn, D., Krüger, U., Lepers, J.:
Research and Development Activities of Combustion Technology for Advanced Gasturbines
8th NCCST, Tainan, Taiwan, March 1998
Bohn, D., Balkowski, I., , Sass, J.:
Labyrinthdrosselung - Lärmarme Druckminderung in Ventilen
VGB-Konferenz Forschung für die Kraftwerkstechnik 1998, Essen, Germany, February 1998
Bohn, D., Krüger, U.,, Lang, G.:
Fortschrittliche Methode zur Analyse von Abgaskanälen hinter Gasturbinen unter besonderer Berücksichtigung der inhomogenen Druck- und Temperaturbelastung aus der Strömung
VGB-Konferenz Forschung für die Kraftwerkstechnik 1998, Essen, Germany, February 1998
Bohn, D., Gier, J., Ziemann, M.:
Einfluss der Überströmgehäusegeometrie auf den Strömungsausgleich bei Turbinen mit Teilbeaufschlagung
VGB KraftwerksTechnik 2/98, S. 62 - 68, Germany, February 1998
Bohn, D., Becker, V., K. Grüttner:
Temperature Reduction by Thermal Barrier Coatings on a Convection-Cooled Turbine Guide Vane: A Conjugate Flow and Heat Transfer Analysis
Proc. of the 7th ISROMAC conference, pp. 1673 - 1682, Honolulu, Hawaii, February 1998
Bohn, D., Becker, V., Köster, C.:
Numerical Investigations into the Effects of Fuel and Water Injection on the Impingement of Drops on Parts in a Gas Turbine Combustion Chamber
Proc. of the 7th ISROMAC conference, pp. 1408 - 1417, Honolulu, Hawaii, February 1998


Krüger, U., Lang, G., Damm, U., Bohn, D.:
Fatigue Life Prediction of Gas Turbine Exhaust Systems Using Advanced Numerical Methods
Proceedings of 1997 ASME Int. Joint Power Generation Conference, Denver, USA, November 1997
Bohn, D., Heuer, T., Kusterer, K., Lang, G.:
Application of a Conjugate Fluid Flow and Heat Transfer Method in the Thermal Design Process of a Convection-Cooled Turbine Nozzle Guide Vane
99-AA-5, ASME Asia 1997, Singapore, October 1997
Krüger, U., Bohn, D., Matouschek, G.:
Theoretische Vorhersage des Brennkammerbrummens unter besonderer Berücksichtigung der Flammendynamik
VDI-Berichte 1313, 18. Deutsch-Niederländischer Flammentag, Delft, Netherlands, August 1997
Bohn, D., Li, Y., Matouschek, G., Krüger, U.:
Numerical Prediction of the Dynamic Behaviour of Premixed Flames Using Systematically Reduced Multi-Step Reaction Mechanisms
ASME-paper 97-GT-265, Proceedings of the ASME Turbo Expo 1997, Orlando, USA, June 1997

Publications from Univ.- Prof. Dr.-Ing. D. Bohn, former Director of the IDG (Institut für Dampf- und Gasturbinen, RWTH Aachen)

Bohn, D., Heuer, T., Schönenborn, H., Wilhelmi, H.:
Combined Numerical Simulation of Chemically Reacting Flow And Heat Transfer in Solid Walls
ISTP-10, pp. 583 - 588, Kyoto, Japan, November 1997
Bohn, D., Becker, V., Kusterer, K., Otsuki, Y., Sugimoto, T.,, Tanaka, R.:
Conjugate Flow and Heat Transfer Analysis of the Cooling Efficiency of a Convection-Cooled Turbine blade with Serpentine-Shaped Channels
ISTP-10, pp. 43 - 48, Kyoto, Japan, November 1997
Bohn, D., Damm, U.,, Krüger, U.,, Lang, G.:
Fatigue Life Prediction of Gas Turbine Exhaust Systems Using Advanced Numerical Methods
Proceedings of the 1997 International Joint Power Generation Conference, pp. 27 - 33, Denver, USA, November 1997
Bohn, D., Becker, V., Kusterer, K., Rungen, A.:
Improving the Film Cooling Coverage of the Leading Edge of a First Stage Turbine Guide Vane: Experimental and Theoretical Investigations of two Different Cooling Designs
3rd ICFDMA, pp. 16 - 21, Beijing, China, October 1997
Bohn, D., Y. Li:
Numerical Investigation of the Dynamic Effects on the Probe Measurements of Unsteady Flow
3rd ICFDMA, pp. 283 - 288, Beijing, China, October 1997
Bohn, D., Becker, V., Kusterer, K.:
Auslegung der Filmkühlung moderner Beschaufelungen: Einsatz von experimentellen Methoden und Strömungssimulationen mit gekoppelter Wärmeübertragungsberechnung im Design-Prozess
DGLR-JT97-154, S. 273 - 282, München, Germany, October 1997
Bohn, D., Heuer, T., Kusterer, K.:
3-D Conjugate Flow and Heat Transfer Investigations of a Film-cooled Turbine Guide Vane with Different Blowing Ratios
ASME-ASIA 1997, 97-AA-5, Singapore, October 1997
Bohn, D., Heuer, T., Kusterer, K.:
Application of a Conjugate Fluid Flow and Heat Transfer Method in the Thermal Design Process of a Convection-cooled Turbine Nozzle Vane
ASME-ASIA 1997, 97-AA-6, Singapore, October 1997
Bohn, D., Becker, V., Gier, J., Kusterer, K., Otsuki, Y., Sugimoto, T., Tanaka, R.:
The Influence of Rotation on the Internal Flow of a Cooled Turbine Blade with Serpentine-shaped Cooling Channels
ASME-ASIA 1997, 97-AA-115, Singapore, October 1997
Bohn, D., Heuer, T., Kusterer, K.:
3-D Parametric Study of a Turbine Vane with Leading Edge Ejection: Investigation of Cooling Flow Phenomena and Cooling Efficiency at the Leading Edge
Eurotherm, Santorini, Greece, September 1997
Bohn, D., Gier, J., Holzenthal, K., Kusterer, K.:
Comparison of Characteristic Flow Properties in a Turbine Nozzle for Turbulence Models of Different Complexity Proceedings of the
3rd Summer Conference 'Numerical Modelling in Continuum Mechanics', pp. 159 - 169, Prague, Czech Republic, September 1997
Bohn, D., Becker, V., Kusterer, K., S. Ardey, L. Fottner:
The Influence of Slot Ejection and Showerhead Ejection on the 3-D Flow Field of a Film-cooled Turbine Blade under Consideration of Side Wall Effects
ISABE 97-7162, pp. 1203 - 1213, Chattanooga, USA, September 1997
Bohn, D., Matouschek, G.:
Numerical Combustion Simulation and Pollutant Prediction of Low- to Medium-Btu Gases in Premixed Flames using Systematically Reduced Multi-Step Reaction Mechanism
4th Int. Conference on Technologies and Combustion for a Clean Environment, Lisbon, Portugal, July 1997
Bohn, D., Becker, V., Rungen, A.:
Experimental and Numerical Conjugate Flow and Heat Transfer Investigation of Shower-head Cooled Turbine Guide Vane
ASME TURBO EXPO '97, 97-GT-15, Orlando, USA, June 1997
Bohn, D., Becker, V., Kusterer, K.:
3-D Conjugate Flow and Heat Transfer Investigations of a Film-cooled Turbine Guide Vane at Different Operationg Conditions
ASME TURBO EXPO '97, 97-GT-23, Orlando, USA, June 1997
Bohn, D., Gier, J.:
The Computation of Adjacent Blade-Row Effects in a 1.5 Stage Axial Flow Turbine
ASME TURBO EXPO '97, 97-GT-81, Orlando, USA, June 1997
Bohn, D., Gier, J.:
The Effect of turbulence on the Heat Transfer in Closed Gas-Filled Rotating Anulli
ASME TURBO EXPO '97, 97-GT-242, Orlando, USA, June 1997
Bohn, D., Li, Y., Matouschek, G., Krüger, U.:
Numerical Prediction of the Dynamic Behaviour of Premixed Flames Using Systematically Reduced Multi-Step Reaction Mechanisms
ASME TURBO EXPO '97, 97-GT-265, Orlando, USA, June 1997
Bohn, D., Holzenthal, K.:
Measurement of the Wetness Fraction and Droplet Size Distribution in a Condensation Turbine
2nd European Conf. on Turbomachinery, Fluid Dynamics and Thermodynamics, pp. 55 - 63, Antwerp, Belgium, March 1997
Bohn, D., Lepers, J., Matouschek, G.:
Energetische Nutzung von Biomasse, Biogasen und industriellen Abfallgasen in Gasturbinen VDI-Tagung Fortschrittliche Energiewandlung und -anwendung
VDI Berichte 1321, S. 849 - 864, Bochum, Germany, March 1997
Bohn, D., Gier, J.:
Experimental and Theoretical Investigations on the Flow Equalization in the Cross Over Channel and the Multistage Part of a Control Stage Turbine
VI Latin American Turbomachinery Congress & Exposition, pp. 217- 226, Mexico-City, Mexico, February 1997
Bohn, D., Roy-Aikins, J.E.A.:
Part-Load Performance of a Novel Pressurised Fluidised Bed Combustor Hybrid Combined-Cycle Plant
VI Latin American Turbomachinery Congress & Exposition, pp. 145 - 154, Mexico-City, Mexico, February 1997
Bohn, D., Becker, V., Kusterer, K.:
Der Einsatz eines neuartigen Simulationsverfahrens zur kombinierten Berechnung von Strömung und Wärmeübergangsvorgängen im Design-Prozess; von gekühlten Gasturbinenschaufeln
GVC-Fachausschuss-Sitzung "Wärme-und Stoffübertragung", Würzburg, Germany, February 1997


Röper, R.:
Randzonenkorrektur und inverse Schaufelauslegung / Moderne Konzepte der Verdichterentwicklung
Vortrag im Rahmen der Vorlesung "Ausgewählte Kapitel der Turbomaschinen" zum Themengebiet "Sekundärströmungen in Turbinen und Verdichtern, Mitteilung Nr. 96-01 Institut für Strahlantriebe und Turboarbeitsmaschinen, RWTH Aachen
Bohn, D., Deutsch, G., Krüger, U.:
Numerical Prediction of the Dynamic Behaviour of Turbulent Diffusion Flames
ASME-paper 96-GT-133, Proceedings of the ASME Turbo Expo 1996, Birmingham, United Kingdom, June 1996

Publications from Univ.- Prof. Dr.-Ing. D. Bohn, former Director of the IDG (Institut für Dampf- und Gasturbinen, RWTH Aachen)

Bohn, D., Becker, V., Rungen, A.:
Analysis of the Location of the Stagnation Line on a Turbine Guide Vane with Shower-head Cooling: Experimental and Theoretical Investigations
Int. Congress on Fluid Dynamics and Propulsion, ASME-International, pp. 127 - 136, Cairo, Egypt, December 1996
Bohn, D., Holzenthal, K., Köster, C.:
Experimental and Numerical Flow Investigations in a Gas Turbine Combuster
Int. Congress on Fluid Dynamics and Propulsion, ASME-International, pp. 108 - 117, Cairo, Egypt, December 1996
Bohn, D., Gier, J., Ziemann, M.:
Einfluss der Überströmungsgehäusegeometrie auf den Strömungsausgleich bei Turbinen und Teilbeaufschlagung
VGB-Fachtagung "Dampfturbinen und Dampfturbinenbetrieb 1996", Essen, Germany, November 1996
Bohn, D., Becker, V., Behnke, K.:
Experimental and Numerical 3-D Investigations of the Flow Field behind the Trailing Edge of a Cooled Turbine Guide Vane
ASME TURBO ASIA, Jakarta, Indonesia, November 1996
Bohn, D., Schönenborn, H.:
3-D Coupled Aerodynamic and Thermal Numerical Analysis of a Turbine Nozzle Guide Vane
4th ISHT-conference, Beijing, China, October 1996
Bohn, D., Becker, V.:
Experimental and Numerical Investigations of the Flow Field at the Leading Edge of a Film-Cooled Turbine Guide Vane
ISFMFE-conference, pp.2 - 8, Beijing, China, September 1996
Bohn, D., Kusterer, K., Schönenborn, H.:
3-D Numerical Simulation of a Film-cooled and Convection Cooled Turbine Blade with non-adiabatic Walls
ISFMFE-conference, Beijing, China, Septemper 1996
Bohn, D., Schönenborn, H.:
3-D Coupled Aerodynamic and Thermal Numerical Analysis of a Turbine Nozzle Guide Vane
ICTAM-conference, Kyoto, Japan, August 1996
Bohn, D., Matouschek, G.:
Numerical Combustion Simulations of Biogases in Premixed Flames
Proceeding of the ECOS conference, pp. 675 - 681, Stockholm, Sweden, June 1996
Bohn, D., Deutsch, G., Krüger, U.:
Numerical Prediction of the Dynamic Behavior of Turbulent Diffusion Flames
ASME 96-GT-133, Birmingham, United Kingdom, June 1996
Bohn, D., Kusterer, K., Schönenborn, H.:
3-D Numerical Simulation of the Flow through a Turbine Blade Cascade with Cooling Injection at the Leading Edge
ASME 96-GT-150, Birmingham, United Kingdom, June 1996
Bohn, D., Keppel, W.:
Gasturbinen und Kombikraftwerke - Anforderungen an Werkstoffe und Werkstoffentwicklung heute und morgen
Werkstoffwoche Stuttgart, Germany, May 1996
Bohn, D., Becker, V., Behnke, K., Schönenborn, H.:
A Combined, Experimental and 2-D Computational Study on Trailing Edge Ejection with Different Cooling Gases
ISROMAC-6, Honolulu, Hawaii, February 1996
Bohn, D., Schönenborn, H., Wilhelmi, H.:
Numerical Simulation of Supersonic, Chemically Reacting Flow Using an Implicit Finite-Volume Method
AIAA paper 96-0347, Reno, USA, January 1996, Journal of Thermophysics and Heat Transfer, Vol. 11, No. 1, January-March 1997


Bohn, D., Krüger, U., Matouschek, G.:
Numerical Simulation of Premixed Flame Combustion Using Systematically Reduced Reaction Mechanism
IGTC-040, Yokohama, Japan, October 1995
Bohn, D., Bonhoff, B., Lang, G., Schönenborn, H.:
Determination of Thermal Stress and Strain Based on a Combined Aerodynamic and Thermal Analysis for a Turbine Nozzle Guide Vane
95-CTP-089, ASME-COGEN Turbo Power, Vienna, Austria, August 1995
Bohn, D., Johann, E., Krüger, U.:
Experimental and Numerical Investigations of Aerodynamic Aspects of Hot Gas Ingestion in Rotor-Stator Systems with Superimposed Cooling Mass Flow
ASME-paper 95-GT-143, Proceedings of the ASME Turbo Expo 1995, Houston, USA, June 1995
Bohn, D., Nitsche, K., Krüger, U.:
Numerical Investigations of Flow Pattern and Heat Transfer in a Rotating Cavity between Two Discs of the Compressor of a Siemens KWU V84.3 Gas Turbine
ASME-paper 95-GT-144, Proceedings of the ASME Turbo Expo 1995, Houston, USA, June 1995
Bohn, D., Becker, V., Röper, R.:
Strömungsverluste verringern
Chemische Industrie, Zeitschrift für Chemie, Umwelt und Wirtschaft, Nr. 5, May 1995

Publications from Univ.- Prof. Dr.-Ing. D. Bohn, former Director of the IDG (Institut für Dampf- und Gasturbinen, RWTH Aachen)

Bohn, D., Ziemann, M., Chen, C.:
Rechnergestütztes Monitoringsystem zur optimalen Betriebsführung und zustandsorientierten Instandhaltung industrieller Gasturbinen
VDI-Tagung, Dresden, Germany, December 1995 & VDI-Berichte 1210, 1995
Bohn, D., Krüger, U., Matuschek, G.:
Numerical Simulation of Premixed Flame Combustion Using Systematically Reduced Reaction Mechanisms
IGTC-040, pp. II-275 - II-282, Yokohama, Japan, October 1995
Bohn, D., Bonhoff, B., Schönenborn, H.:
Combined Aerodynamic and Thermal Analysis of a High-pressure Turbine Nozzle Guide Vane
IGTC-108, Yokohama, Japan, October 1995
Bohn, D., Witthohn, A:
Investigation of Concepts for Combined Cycles with PFBC
3rd International Symposium on Coal Combustion (3rd ISCC), pp. 1 - 8, Beijing, China, September 1995
Bohn, D., Bonhoff, B., Schönenborn, H., Wilhelmi, H.:
Prediction of the Film-cooling Effectiveness in Gas Turbine Blades Using a Numerical Model for the Coupled Simulation of Fluid Flow and Diabatic Walls
ISABE 95-7105, pp. 1150 - 1159, Melbourne, Australia, September 1995
Bohn, D., Ziemann, M., Chen, C.:
Detection and Diagnosis of Deterioration of District Heating Power Plant Components by Numerical Simulation
5th Int. Symp. on automation of District Heating Systems, ESPOO, Otaniemi, Finnland, August 1995
Bohn, D., Bonhoff, B., Lang, G., Schönenborn, H.:
Determination of Thermal Stress and Strain Based on a Combined Aerodynamic and Thermal Analysis for a Turbine Nozzle Guide Vane
ASME-COGEN Turbo Power, 95-CTP-089, Wien , Austria, August 1995
Bohn, D., Schönenborn, H.:
Kombinierte aerodynamische und thermische Simulation einer konvektionsgekühlten Gasturbinenschaufel
DLRG, Berlin, Germany, July 1995
Bohn, D., Becker, V., Behnke, K., Bonhoff, B.:
Experimental and Numerical Investigations of the Aerodynamical Effects of Coolant Injection through the Trailing Edge of a Guide Vane
ASME-Paper 95-GT-26, Houston, USA, June 1995
Bohn, D., Emunds, R.:
A Navier Stokes Computer Code for Theoretical Investigations on the Applicability of Various Turbulence Models for Flow Prediction along Turbine Blades
ASME-Paper 95-GT-90, Houston, USA, June 1995
Bohn, D., Becker, V., Röper, R.:
Strömungsverluste verringern
Zeitschrift Chemische Industrie, Nr. 5, S.33 - 34, May 1995
Bohn, D., Emunds, R., Gier, J.:
Numerical Investigations on the 3-D Viscid Flow of an Axial Turbine Nozzle
Proceedings of the 1995 Simulation Multiconference (SMC), Phoenix, USA, April 1995
Bohn, D., Faatz, R., Witthohn, A:
Vergleich von Konzepten für Kombiprozesse mit Druckwirbelschichtfeuerung
VDI-GET "Fortschrittliche Energiewandlung und -anwendung", VDI-Berichte 1182, S. 1-15, Essen, Germany, March 1995
Bohn, D., Bonhoff, B., Schönenborn, H., Wilhelmi, H.:
Validation of a Numerical Model for the Coupled Simulation of Fluid Flow and Diabatic Walls with Application to Film-cooled Turbine Blades
VDI-Berichte 1186, S. 259 - 272, 1995
Bohn, D., J. Funcke, Köster, C., Engler, P., Schmitt, F.:
Kontinuierliche Brennkammerüberwachung mit einem gekühlten Endoskop
DGLR, ILR295, Berlin, Germany, March 1995


Röper, R.:
Berechnung mehrstufiger Axialverdichter mit einem Quasi-3D-Through-Flow-Verfahren und Untersuchung zur Randzonenkorrektur
Doctoral Thesis, RWTH Aachen University, Aachen, Germany, 1994
Bohn, D., Bonhoff, B., Emunds, R., Köster, Chr., Krüger, U.:
Überblick über die Möglichkeiten der numerischen Berechnung von Strömungen und Strömungsverlusten in Turbomaschinen unter besonderer Berücksichtigung von Turbulenzmodellen
Fortschritte in der Strömungsmaschinentechnik, VDI-Berichte 1109
Gallus, H. E., Röper, R.:
Berechnung mehrstufiger, axialer Turbomaschinen mit Hilfe eines Quasi-3D-Through-Flow-Verfahrens
Fortschritte in der Strömungsmaschinentechnik, VDI-Berichte 1109
Bohn, D., Emunds, R., Gorzelitz, V., Krüger, U.:
Experimental and Theoretical Investigations of Heat Transfer in Closed Gas-Filled Rotating Annuli II
ASME-paper 94-GT-175*, Proceedings of the ASME Turbo Expo 1994, Den Haag, Netherlands, June 1994
Koschel, W., Kluck, M.:
Strömungsverlustanalyse in ein- und mehrstufigen Axialturbinen mit 2D-/3D-Finite-Elemente-Verfahren
Abschlussbericht zum TURBOTECH-Verbundvorhaben der AGTURBO
Gallus, H. E., Röper, R.:
Randzonenkorrektur (Theorie)
Abschlussbericht FVV-Vorhaben Nr. 441 und 448, FVV-Heft 557-1
Bohn, D., Krüger, U.:
Experimental and Theoretical Investigations on the Dynamic Behaviour of Flames Typical Used in Gas Turbine Combustors
Proceedings of the 2nd Summer Conference 'Numerical Modelling in Continuum Mechanics', Prague, Czech Republic, August 1994

Publications from Univ.- Prof. Dr.-Ing. D. Bohn, former Director of the IDG (Institut für Dampf- und Gasturbinen, RWTH Aachen)

Bohn, D.:
Stand der Technik und Entwicklungsperspektiven in der Kraft-Wärme-Kopplung
Kraft-Wärme-Kopplung - Energie sparen, Umwelt schonen, Int. ASUE-Fachtagung, Hannover, Germany, December 1994
Bohn, D., Holzenthal, K., Köster, C.:
Verbesserung der Gemischbildung bei der Wassereinspritzung in Gasturbinen
GVC-Fachausschuss-Sitzung "Thermodynamik" und VDI-GET "Thermodynamik-Kolloquium 1994", Universität Kaiserslautern, Germany, October 1994
Bohn, D., Li, Y., Schnittfeld, T.:
A Numerical Investigation of the Flow around Probe Heads at Different Reynolds Numbers and Mach Numbers
2nd Int. Conference on Fluid Dynamic Measurement and its Applications, Beijing, China, October 1994
Bohn, D., Janssen, M., Schnittfeld, T.:
Stationäre und instationäre Belastungen von Verdichter- und Turbinenschaufeln in einer Hochtemperaturgasturbine vom Typ V84.3
VDI-Berichte 1109, S. 363 - 378, 1994
Bohn, D., Bonhoff, B.:
Berechnung der Kühl- und Störwirkung eines filmgekühlten transsonisch durchströmten Turbinengitters mit diabaten Wänden
VDI-Berichte 1109, S.261 - 275, 1994
Bohn, D., Bonhoff, B., Emunds, R., Köster C., Krüger, U.:
Überblick über die Möglichkeiten der numerischen Berechnung von Strömungen und Strömungsverlusten in Turbomaschinen unter besonderer Berücksichtigung von Turbulenzmodellen
VDI-Berichte 1109, S. 1 - 28, 1994
Bohn, D., Bonhoff, B., Köster, C., Emunds, R., Krüger, U., Schönenborn, H.:
Numerische Berechnungen von Strömungen und Strömungsverlusten in Turbomaschinen und Turbomaschinenkomponenten
Alma Mater Aquensis, S. 119- 133, 1994

* rewarded with "Best Paper Award 1994" of the ASME Heat Transfer Committee


Publications from Univ.- Prof. Dr.-Ing. D. Bohn, former Director of the IDG (Institut für Dampf- und Gasturbinen, RWTH Aachen)

Bohn, D., Drexler, C., Emunds, R.:
Experimental and Theoretical Investigations into Nonuniformal Flow of a Partial Admission Turbine with a Multistage Blading
VGB-Kraftwerkstechnik, S. 601 - 608, 1993
Bohn, D., Drexler, C., Emunds, R.:
Experimentelle und theoretische Untersuchung der ungleichförmigen Anströmung einer teilbeaufschlagten Turbine mit nachfolgender mehrstufiger Beschaufelung
VGB-Kraftwerkstechnik, S. 696 - 704, 1993
Bohn, D., Hansmann, T., Wilhelmi, H.:
An Experimental Investigation of the Film-Cooling Process at High Temperatures and Velocities AIAA/DGLR
5th Int. Aerospace Planes and Hypersonics Technologies Conf., Munich, Germany, Nov-Dec 1993
Bohn, D., Dibelius, G.H., Pitt, R.U., Faatz, R., Cerri, G., Salvini, C.:
Optimizing a Pressurized Fluidized Bed Combustion Cycle with Gas Turbine Toping Cycle
ASME-Paper 93-GT-390, Cincinnati, USA, May 1993
Bohn, D., Deuker, E., Emunds, R., Gorzelitz, V.:
Experimental and Theoretical Investigations of Heat Transfer in Closed
Gas-Filled Rotating Annuli ASME-Paper 93-GT-292, Cincinnati, USA, May 1993
Bohn, D., Deuker, E.:
An Acoustical Model to Predict Combustion Driven Oscillations
CIMAC, London, United Kingdom, March 1993
Bohn, D., Emunds, R., Sucharski, Z.:
Numerical Simulation of the Influence of the Unsteady Influx of the Three-Dimensional, Viscous Flow through Turbomachines
Notes on Numerical Fluid Mechanics, Volume 38, pp. 219 - 232, 1993
Bohn, D., Benzel, F., Wagner, V., Sass, J.:
Geräuschminderung bei Drosselarmaturen
Kraftwerk und Umwelt, S. 179 - 184, 1993


Publications from Univ.- Prof. Dr.-Ing. D. Bohn, former Director of the IDG (Institut für Dampf- und Gasturbinen, RWTH Aachen)

Bohn, D., Schnittfeld, T., Schulz, M.:
Entwicklung und Einsatz von Miniaturmesstechnik
Tagungsband zum 3. Statusseminar der AG Turbo, Germany, Dezember 1992
Bohn, D., Deuker, E., Gorzelitz, V., Heinen, M.:
Wärmeübergang an rotierenden Bauteilen
3. Statusseminar der Arbeitsgemeinschaft "Hochtemperatur Gasturbine", Cologne, Germany, Dezember 1992
Bohn, D., Drexler, C., Emunds, R.:
Experimentelle und theoretische Untersuchung der ungleichförmigen Anströmung einer Turbine mit nachfolgender mehstufiger Beschaufelung
VGB-Tagung Nürnberg, Germany, November 1992 and Essen, Germany, December 1992
Bohn, D., Schnittfeld, T.:
The dynamic response of capillary tubes for use in miniature pressure probes
11th Symposium on "Measuring Techniques for Transsonic and Supersonic Flow in Cascades an Turbomachines", Munich, Germany, September 1992
Bohn, D., Gorzelitz, V.:
Experimental Investigations of Heat Transfer in a Gas Filled Rotating Annulus
International Symposium on Heat Transfer in Turbomachinery, Athens, Greece, August 1992, published by Hemisphere, New York
Bohn, D., Emunds, R.:
Ein Beitrag zur Berechnung der zweidimensionalen reibungsbehafteten Strömung im ersten Leitrad einer axialen Kaltluftturbine unter besonderer Berücksichtigung der Zuströmturbulenz
ERCOFTAC Pilot Center, Juli 1992
Bohn, D., Dibelius, G.H., Pitt, R.U., Faatz, R., Cerri, G., Salvini, C.:
Study of Pressurized Fluidized bed Combustion Combined Cycles with Gas Turbine Topping Cycle
ASME-Paper 92-GT-343, Cologne, Germany, June 1992
Bohn, D., Dibelius, G.H., Sucharski, Z.:
Comparison Between Experiment and Prediction for a Subsonic Turbulent Separated Boundary Layer
ASME-Paper 92-GT-154, Cologne, Germany, June 1992
Bohn, D., Dibelius, G.H., Deuker, E., Emunds, R.:
Flow Pattern and Heat Transfer in a Closed Rotating Annulus
ASME-Paper 92-GT-67, Cologne, Germany, June 1992
Bohn, D.:
Indirekte kohlegefeuerte Gasturbine mit Keramikwärmetauscher
BMFT "Neue Entwicklungen in der Kraftwerkstechnik", Bonn, Germany, March 1992



Publications from Univ.- Prof. Dr.-Ing. D. Bohn, former Director of the IDG (Institut für Dampf- und Gasturbinen, RWTH Aachen)

Bohn, D., Pitt, R.U.:
Kraft-Wärme-Kopplung in Deutschland mit Gasturbinen unter Einsatz von Ergas, Öl und Kohle
Warmte - Kracht - Koppeling, Haus der Technik -Vestiging Maastricht, Netherlands, December 1991
Bohn, D., Fitzky, G.:
Untersuchungen zur Kraftsoffzerstäubung unter dieselmotorischen Bedingungen mittels Streulichtmesstechnik
Rostocker Schiffstechnik Symposium 1991, Rostock, Germany, October 1991
Bohn, D., Ziemann, M., Bloemers, D., Zekorn, T.:
Monitoring-Systeme auf PC-Basis
VDI-Berichte 868, S. 39 - 51, 1991
Bohn, D., Dibelius, G., Benzel, F., Sass, J.:
Lärmminderung bei Armaturen
Sonderdruck aus Technische Überwachung Nr.9, S. 173 - 179, August 1991
Bohn, D., Gorzelitz, V., Heinen, M.:
Wärmeübertragung an rotierenden Bauteilen
GVC-Fachausschuss "Wärme- und StoffÜbertragung", Freudenstadt, Germany, April 1991
Bohn, D.:
Einsatz der Hoch-Temperatur-Gasturbine in Kombination mit fortschrittlicher Kohletechnologie
BMFT, Bonn, Germany, January 1991


Becker, B., Bohn, D.:
Operating Experience with Compressors of Large Heavy-Duty Gas Turbines. ASME-Paper 84-GT-133
ASME-Paper 84-GT-13, 1984


Becker, B., Bohn, D.:
Entwicklung transsonischer Eingangsstufen für Verdichter stationärer Gasturbinen.
MTZ Motortechnische Zeitschrift 44 (1983), Nr.1, S.19-24, Germany, 1983


Gallus, H.E., Bohn, D., Broichhausen, K.-D.:
Unsteady Upstream Effects in Axial-Flow Supersonic Compressor Stages
ASME-Paper 79-GT-55, 24th Annual International Gas Turbine Conference, San Diego USA, März 1979


Bohn, D.:
Untersuchung zweier verschiedener axialer Überschallverdichterstufen unter besonderer Berücksichtigung der Wechselwirkungen zwischen Lauf- und Leitrad.
Dissertation, Institut für Strahlantriebe und Turboarbeitsmaschinen, RWTH Aachen, 1977
Gallus, H.E., Bohn, D., Broichhausen, K.-D.:
Experimentelle und theoretische Untersuchungen an supersonischen Axialverdichter-Laufrädern und -Stufen (Laufrad-Leitrad-Interferenz, Stoß-Grenzschicht-Wechselwirkung).
Jahresbericht 1977 "Strömungsmechanik und Thermogasdynamik", Sonderforschungsbereich 83, RWTH Aachen, S. 125-132
H.E. Gallus, Bohn, D., K. Broichhausen:
Einsatz verschiedener Messtechniken in einer axialen Überschallverdichterstufe
VDI-Z 119 (1977) Nr. 1/2, S. 89/98
H.E. Gallus, Bohn, D., K.D. Broichhausen:
Measurements of Quasi-Steady und Unsteady Flow Effects in a Supersonic Compressor Stage.
ASME-Paper No. 77-GT-13, 1977


Gallus, H.E., Bohn, D.:
Multi-Parameter Approximation of Calibrating Values for Multi-Hole Probes (Mehrparametrige Approximation der Eichdaten von Mehrlochsonden).
Communication de l'Institut de ThermiqueAppliquee de l'Ecole Polytechnique Federale de Lausanne, Nr. 5, "Measuring Techniques in Transonic and Supersonic Cascades and Turbomachines", Proceedings of the Symposium held in Lausanne on November 1976, Juris-Verlag, Zürich, S. 31-37
Gallus, H.E., Bohn, D., Broichhausen, K.-D.:
Theoretische und experimentelle Ergebnisse der Untersuchungen an zwei unterschiedlichen Überschallverdichterstufen.
Mitteilung Nr. 76-04, Institut für Strahlantriebe und Turboarbeitsmaschinen, RWTH Aachen, DGLR 76-166, 9. Jahrestagung DGLR, München, 14.-16.9.1976
Dettmering, W., Gallus, H.E., Bohn, D., Broichhausen, K.-D.:
Experimentelle und theoretische Untersuchung an Überschallverdichter-Laufrädern und -Stufen
Jahresbericht 1976 "Strömungsmechanik und Thermogasdynamik", Sonderforschungsbereich 83, RWTH Aachen, S.198-203


Bohn, D., H. Simon:
Mehrparametrige Approximation der Eichräume und Eichflächen von Unterschall- bzw. Überschall-5-Loch-Sonden
Archiv für Technisches Messen, ATM, Band 42, Nr.3, 1975, S.31-37
Dettmering W., Gallus, H.E., Bohn, D., Broichhausen, K.-D.:
Experimentelle und theoretische Untersuchungen an Überschallverdichter-Laufrädern und Stufen
Jahresbericht 1975 "Strömungsmechanik und Thermogasdynamik", Sonderforschungsbereich 83, RWTH Aachen, S. 176-182, Veröffentlichungen in 1974


Dettmering W., Gallus, H.E., Bohn, D:
Theoretische und experimentelle Untersuchung zweier Überschall-Axialverdichterstufen
Kolloquium des Sonderforschungsbereiches 83, Dez. 1974
Dettmering, W., Gallus, H.E., Bohn, D., Broichhausen, K.-D.:
Experimentelle und theoretische Untersuchungen an Überschallverdichter-Laufrädern und -Stufen
Jahresbericht 1974 "Strömungsmechanik und Thermogasdynamik", Sonderforschungsbereich 83, RWTH Aachen, S.158-165
H. Simon, Bohn, D.:
Experimental Investigations of a Recently Developed Supersonic Compressor Stage (Rotor and Stage Performance).
ASME-Gas Turbine Conference, Zürich, 1974, Paper-No. 74-GT-116
H. Simon, Bohn, D.:
A Comparison of Theoretical and Experimental Investigations of Two Different Axial Supersonic Compressors.
The Royal Aeronautical Society, London, 2nd International Symposium on Air Breathing Engines, Sheffield, 1974
H. Simon, Bohn, D.:
Entwicklungsarbeiten an Überschallaxialverdichterstufen, Aufsatz in 4 Teilen zum Thema "Entwicklungsarbeiten an Überschallaxialverdichterstufen"
Technische Rundschau, Bern, 66. Jahrgang, 1974
H. Simon, Bohn, D.:
Entwicklungsarbeiten an Überschallaxialverdichterstufen, Teil 4
Techn. Rundschau, Bern, TR 28,1974
H. Simon, Bohn, D.:
Theoretische und experimentelle Untersuchungen zur Entwicklung einer Überschallverdichterstufe.
Forsch.-Bericht aus der Wehrtechnik, / Luft- und Raumfahrt, Bundesministerium der Verteidigung, Dokumentationszentrum der Bundeswehr, Bonn, 1974, BMVg -- FBWT 74-5, 1974
H. Simon, Bohn, D.:
Experimental Investigations of a Recently Developed Supersonic Compressor Stage (Rotor and Stage Performance).
ASME Paper No. 74-GT-116, 1974
Bohn, D.:
Theoretische und experimentelle Untersuchungen zweier Überschallverdichter-Laufräder und einer neu entwickelten Überschallverdichter-Stufe.
Koll. SFB 83, RWTH Aachen, Dez. 1974, Veröffentlichungen in 1973


Dettmering, W., Gallus, H., Simon, H., Bohn, D.:
Theoretische und experimentelle Untersuchungen zur Entwicklung einer Überschallverdichterstufe
Forsch.-Bericht aus der Wehrtechnik / Luft- und Raumfahrt, Bundesministerium der Verteidigung, Dokumentationszentrum der Bundeswehr, Bonn, 1973
Dettmering, W., Gallus, H.E., Simon, H., Bohn, D.:
Untersuchungen an Überschallverdichter-Laufrädern und -Stufen
Jahresbericht 1973 "Strömungsmechanik und Thermogasdynamik", Sonderforschungsbereich 83, RWTH Aachen, S. 156-168
Bohn, D., Simon, H.:
Überschallströmungen - schlierenoptisch beobachtet.
Technische Rundschau, Bern, 65. Jahrgang, Nr. 2, 1973
Bohn, D., Simon, H.:
Anwendung des Schlierenverfahrens zur Beobachtung der Durchströmung ebener und rotationssymmetrischer Überschallverzögerungsgitter und der Umströmung von 5-Loch-Kegelsonden.
Vortrag zur Sitzung des DGLR-Fachausschusses "Versuchswesen der Strömungsmechanik'' am 23./25. Okt. 1972 in Friedrichshafen DLR-Mitteilung 73-20, Teil 1, 1973, S. 45/62
Dettmering, W., Gallus, H.E., Simon, H., Bohn, D., Kreutzer, G.P.:
Untersuchungen an Überschallverdichter - Laufrädern und -stufen.
Jahresberichte 1971/72 und Abschlussbericht 1973 des Sonderforschungsbereiches 83 "Strömungsmechanik und Thermogasdynamik" RWTH Aachen


Bohn, D., Rubner, K.:
Verfahren für die Auswertung von Messergebnissen von Strömungsonden durch mehrdimensionale Approximation der Eichkurven und Eichflächen
Zeitschrift für Flugwissenschaften, ZfW, Nr.20, Heft 1/2, 1972
Dettmering, W., Gallus, H.E., Simon, H., Bohn, D.:
Untersuchungen an Überschallverdichter-Laufrädern und -Stufen.
Jahresbericht 1972 "Strömungsmechanik und Thermogasdynamik", Sonderforschungsbereich 83, RWTH Aachen, S. 345-366, Veröffentlichungen 1971


Dettmering, W., Bohn, D.:Untersuchungen des Einflusses mehrerer Geometrieparameter an stark umlenkenden Überschalltandemgittern. Abschlussbericht zum Forschungsvorhaben des SFB 83 an der RWTH Aachen, 1971